This entity does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI

Yes, I think this might be the most practical solution, or at least it was for me.

I have a custom command_line entity that monitors the system wifi strength. I get the error that the OP mentions, if I try to edit any usage of this entity through the GUI.

So I go to the source file command_line.yml containing the definition of the entity, and add unique_id: some-unique-name to the entity. Restart/reload, and now I can edit the usage of this entity via the browser GUI.

Worked like charm Tks a lot :pray: for the tip

Just type like the example in yaml file

Friendly name: “Kliima_RH1”
unique_id: Kliima_RH1

I can’t say for sure if there’s an issue or not in the case of the OP, but it is an issue for me: Somehow I ended with some ESPHome duplicate/pairs sensor entities, of which some can’t be edited in the UI for lack of unique ID, but THEY ARE NOWHERE TO BE FOUND in “configuration.yaml”.
So how can I find them to delete them?