Tilt My Blinds/MySmartBlinds

@phillprice I just tried that and it creates the same error

Mon Apr 29 2019 09:10:35 GMT-0400 (EDT)
Platform not found: cover.mysmartblinds_bridge

My setup is in the following directory custom_components/mysmartblinds_bridge/

And in the directory is the 2 files:
init.py” (two underscores before and after. The forum deletes it)

There is a folder


should I delete it?

I don’t use this custom component, but have had issues with some of my others.
Try the manifest.json file again, and make sure the domain is the same as your component’s name. In your case:

“domain”: “mysmartblinds_bridge”

@wmaker thanks for the suggestion. I tried this as well and still doesn’t work.

After much trial and error, looks like this custom component is broken on 0.92

I added the blank __init__.py file the manifest.json and I get the error on a restart that it cannot find the custom component. My directory is .homeassistsnt/custom_components/mysmartblinds_bridge and contains the cover.py file

This directory structure worked before 0.92 and I have another custom component cover that works just fine with the new files as mentioned above.

The only other thing I can think of is something is missing or changed in the cover.py file. Anyone else have this problem and got it working on 0.92?

The CoverGroup class has moved so it’s failing to load.

from homeassistant.components.cover.group import CoverGroup

from homeassistant.components.group.cover import CoverGroup

That should do it (though my local copy has some other changes).


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@docBliny that worked! Thanks

@docBliny Have you had any issues recently? I’m now getting this error and it looks like the server is blocking me.

019-07-05 03:59:45 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.mysmartblinds_bridge.cover] Error updating periodic state 504 Server Error: Gateway Timeout for url: https://api.mysmartblinds.com/v1/graphql
2019-07-05 14:00:41 ERROR (SyncWorker_30) [custom_components.mysmartblinds_bridge.cover] Error updating periodic state HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.mysmartblinds.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/graphql (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x1191fd240>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known'))

Sorry for the slow response. No, everything has been working normally for me. That 504 could potentially have been an error on their end.


@docBliny you are right. It started working on its own so definitely something on their end. Thanks for the reply

@docBliny Any recent issues with your blinds? I had my disconnected for a few months and it’s visible in Home Assistant but none of the services seem to work anymore. Ideas?

Just tested and they work. Could yours be low on battery? I know mine started acting up some time back and I had to recharge them via USB to get them to respond again.


@docBliny It works with Alexa just fine and I do have the solar charger. I wonder if there’s something that didn’t install correctly this time around? I’ll have a look through the dependencies and see if it’s missing something. Thanks for checking!

So I got it working again by changing the name of the blinds. For some reason the code doesn’t handle a disconnect and reconnecting of the same device very well. At least it’s all working again

I know it’s been a while since this was last active, but I’ve attempted to get this working and seem to be getting this errror

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 178, in _async_setup_platform
    await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.shield(task), SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/asyncio/tasks.py", line 442, in wait_for
    return fut.result()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 57, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/config/custom_components/mysmartblinds_bridge/cover.py", line 83, in setup_platform
    bridge = MySmartBlindsBridge(hass, username, password)
  File "/config/custom_components/mysmartblinds_bridge/cover.py", line 109, in __init__
    from smartblinds_client import SmartBlindsClient
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'smartblinds_client'

Any ideas, on how I could fix this? Thanks!

I managed to fix this problem, I hadn’t installed the smartblinds_client. I have a new problem now. The blinds are showing up and appear to be reporting the state, but I can’t control the blinds. This shows up in the logs:

2020-04-12 12:53:11 ERROR (SyncWorker_4) [custom_components.mysmartblinds_bridge.cover] Error updating periodic state 'NoneType' object is not iterable

Any idea what could be wrong?

I tried this a long while ago and was not able to resolve it as I don’t program. The error comes from the line “self._blind_states = self._sbclient.get_blinds_state(self._blinds)” in update_blind_states. The probable cause (in my case) was I have 2 bridges and the response was thought to be different to a single bridge with which the code was written.

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Thanks for that. I’ve reset and re added my smartblind hub quite a few times in the past, and even though it was working correctly, based on what you have figured out I decided to create a brand new account and add the hub and blinds again to make sure there is only one of each and no old versions of the hub on my account, and it’s working perfectly now!

Hello, I’m just starting to use HA and have been trying to add this custom component. Currently I am getting this error:

*Platform error cover.mysmartblinds_bridge - No module named 'custom_components.cover.cover'*

Does anyone knows how to fix it? Reading this thread there is a mention of a cover.py but I don’t know where that file come from.

The developer has not updated the component for over two years. It would be hit and miss if it still works on current versions of home assistant.
This may need someone else to pick it up as a lot has changed in home assistant that can break custom components like this one.
Unfortunately I don’t have the time myself, but if someone else can fork it it and update it, I’ll be up for testing :slight_smile:

@mscharwere Did you try this?

Tilt My Blinds/MySmartBlinds