Time format for logs

I’m running HA 2022.3.4 on rpi4 with a supervisor. I’ve noticed that add-on logs don’t report time consistently. For example, the Mosquitto broker add-on switches between formatted time and UNIX time:

[12:24:55] INFO: Starting mosquitto MQTT broker…
1647275095: mosquitto version 1.6.12 starting

One of them seems to be reported by the “supervisor” and one is by the add-on itself. That’s just my guess. Is there someplace I can set the format universally, separate from the time zone setting in the configuration.yaml:

time_zone: America/Los_Angeles

I don’t see a time_format: configuration.

Add this to your conf.
log_timestamp true
log_timestamp_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S

@vingerha Thank you for that. What heading should I enter it under? Does this go in the configuration.yaml, or in another (system/global?) config file? When I checked the configuration, I got two invalid lines (these) in my configuration.yaml.

In the mosquitto.conf file, I have mqtt that installed as a docker container, not sure how you did it…