Timer Bar Card (+ Mushroom Style)

you could try using a single entity and adding the mushroom attribute(s) …

type: custom:timer-bar-card
entity: sensor.waschmaschine_washer_machine_state
name: Waschmaschine
waiting_state: Stop
active_state: run
icon: mdi:washing-machine-off
active_icon: mdi:washing-machine
  entity: sensor.waschmaschine_washer_completion_time
text_width: 4em
bar_width: calc(70% - 10em)
  layout: horizontal
  color: "#dd6733"

So this may be a dumb question, but after looking at the github and through this thread, how would i actually make this card like this? Does anyone have the code?

I’m looking for a timer card that can count days up or down. For example: days until a specific date. Or days since a specific date. Can timer-bar-card handle this? I’ve looked through the documentation, but couldn’t find my specific needs.