Tips for replacing a Tuya WR1?

Just wondering if anyone has successfully transplanted an ESP8266 (or similar) in place of the Tuya WR1?

I’ve got a Breville air purifier I’m trying to get on ESPHome, and Home Assistant can pick up the sensor data and status of everything, but if I try to send a command it just doesn’t do anything. I had the same issue on Tasmota using a javascript tool that picks up the DpIds too.

In terms of wiring, I’ve got UART0 Rx/Tx connected to Rx/Tx of the ESP8266, plus 3.3v to VCC and EN, and GND to GND and GPIO15. The WR1 chip has 3 GND pins, I’m wondering if that may be playing a part.

In any case, wondering if someone out there has discovered this WR1 chip (it’s a first for me) and can share any information. Thanks!

I ended up cutting the traces and connecting a D1 mini to my Kogan (Tuya) air purifier after I bodged the flash.

Works great so far.

Thanks buddy!

I was able to get it going eventually, though I’m not sure how. I looked at your config for the Kogan air purifier and while some of my dpids were different I got it all going.

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