Tivo media player component

If the local ip is in the same network as your homeassistant box, then yes. e.g. for hass, for tivo…

Do i have to open up the port in my router?

This should all be on your local network, so I wouldn’t think so. In rare cases (corporate network), it might be necessary.

I thougt so.
Now i get this error
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

If you have another machine on your network you could try telnet from there. Otherwise, check that the Tivo is in normal tv mode and try again. What model is it, btw?

I enable Telnet on my router and i could connect over SSH, with the given tellnet string. So the problem is on my TiVo box.
The model i have is gx-cm700cf.

You should not pass telnet through from the internet, if that is what you did. Also, telnet is not secured using SSL, so it would be odd for a connection there to work. Your Tivo looks like a custom device made for your provider by Samsung. It may be licensed by Tivo for this foreign application. Sorry, but I have no idea whether or not this simple telnet protocol would be enabled on that device. It may have the more advanced network remote protocol, but I have not yet been able to get that working.

You might try running nmap to the ip address to see what, if any, ports are open. Perhaps they are using a non-default port for this.

One thing is for sure - you must enable network remote capability on the Tivo device, which would be in the system settings. With any luck, that is all that is keeping this from working.

Sorry I run over SSH not SSL.

I ran nmap on the ip adress and i got this.

Starting Nmap 6.47 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2018-06-26 20:49 CEST
Nmap scan report for TIVO-E800D5BF0C82F56.lan (
Host is up.
All 1000 scanned ports on TIVO-E800D5BF0C82F56.lan ( are filtered

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 201.63 seconds

And i checked I have enable network remote.

Unfortunately, that does appear to mean that either the device is not capable, or the firewall on the machine from which you are running Home Assistant is blocking the traffic.

@milosch01 have you updated this component to work with Home Assistant 88.1’s new component structure?

In the new 0.88.1 branch here:


I would like to trigger my TiVo using an automation. Is it possible to execute the live TV command through automation? I tried playing around with the various media_player services and was not able to determine any working function.

I have TiVo minis that go to sleep after being idle for a couple hours. I want to setup a bedtime automation to turn on the bedroom TV and bring the TiVo mini out of sleep.

In addition, I would like to change the channel if possible.

I can get the TV on using other components, but have yet to figure out how to automation tuning the TiVo. I have this component installed and the Media Player card can pause and fast forward the TiVos OK.

Thank you

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