To Proxmox or not to Proxmox

Didn’t notice any upgrade available. You did it manually? :slight_smile:

Apparently you didn’t use my Proxmox VE 7 Post Install script

Oh yes I did. no-nag fix worked fine.

Enable the other repository

They’re all enabled, except for the enterprise one.

UPDATE: ooops…they’re not all enabled!! :slight_smile:

Nope, the bottom one is disabled

But I used your postinstall script…was that supposed to enable it? If so, it didn’t work.

No, I disabled the beta repo on purpose

So why did you think I didn’t run it? :slight_smile:

Lots of stuff to update…is that repo safe? Don’t like to β€œtest” stuff after 4 days of work…:slight_smile:

I’ve never had an issue using that repo.
Proxmox calls it β€œtest” but it’s beta, IMO always release worthy

Upgraded and rebooting now…

So you should enable it in the postinstall…

well, we do have newbies :wink:

You made a wise choice, not for newbies, but for people that don’t like the bleeding edge…:slight_smile:

How many Kernel Versions are you keeping?

last one… :rofl:

so, if you run dpkg --list | grep kernel | grep amd64 | grep pve it only shows 1 kernel?

root@pve:~# apt list --installed | grep pve-kernel

pve-kernel-5.13.19-2-pve/stable,stable,now 5.13.19-4 amd64 [installed]
pve-kernel-5.13.19-3-pve/stable,now 5.13.19-6 amd64 [installed,automatic]
pve-kernel-5.13/stable,now 7.1-6 all [installed]
pve-kernel-helper/stable,now 7.1-8 all [installed]

What about this? You didn’t upgrade it?

wasn’t available on my early morning update. Is now

question: I need AGH to start as the first container, unfortunately I noticed proxmox starts them based on the ID. Is there a way to set dependencies among containers/VMs?