Todo list card help

How can I add a to do list to a picture elements card for a dashboard?

I want to create a morning routine using my Apple Health and other fitness and diet data, and I want to be able to check off each thing on my list throughout the day, every day, as I do them, and if I miss one, I want to annoy myself until I complete it.

No word of a lie, I was literally going to sit down tonight to figure out how to do that, as i’ve been trying to piece it together for several weeks now, and then suddenly I saw there was an update. I often don’t read the updates (not beacuse I don’t want to I just don’t always have time) but today I decided to read it, and low and behold, just as I was about to figure out a way to do a todo list - TADA, the wonderful people at Home Assistant have done it again with their miracles.

That said, I am not very experienced with HA. I’m 18 months in, having never touched or heard of an automation before that, nor CSS, nor YAML, nor anything really… and although I’ve created a pretty dashboard, I do have a background in design so that part wasn’t so hard.

I tried adding a todo list card by creating a tile and then using the information button to get the entity name, taking that into my picture elements view tab and then adding it to the YAML that way, but it doesn’t work, and nor does simply adding the word “custom-” before the normal card name that it uses when the list is just a tile. So… does this mean I need to wait for someone smarter than me to add a custom integration into HACS to allow me to add it to a Picture Elements card, or how does that work - not sure if anyone can tell me?

I’m very excited for this new feature and the timing literally couldn’t have been more perfect so thank you for having an automation somewhere that read my mind - please complete the thought and tell me how to do the aforementioned if you have it in you :slight_smile:

And as always, thanks for all the effort and hard work by people much smarter than I - I continue as your humble guinea pig.

I have never done something like this before, but searching how to add a card inside a picture elements I found this Adding additional cards to Picture elements card maybe it can help.

As an alternative, using Browser Mod (GitHub - thomasloven/hass-browser_mod: 🔹 A Home Assistant integration to turn your browser into a controllable entity and media player), you should be able to use an icon that when tapped calls a service which opens a popup with the todo list card inside.

I am having the same problem at the moment. How did you solve it?