Toggle Switch not working after last update

I have the following configuration.yaml for my Broadlink IR:

  - platform: broadlink
    mac: 'A0:41:B1:31:A9:57'
      - name: "Heater"
        command_on: sc...3A==
        command_off: sc...A==

Since the last update, the Switch for Heater has stopped working, and Lovelace shows a message saying that "Entity not available: switch.heater. This is the yaml for the button that I have:

type: button
entity: switch.heater
icon: mdi:fire
  action: toggle

I followed that last change log and didn’t see anything related switch changes, anyone knows what should I do to use the toggle feature here?

Check the release notes forum topic. There are reports of issues with the Broadlink integration.

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Fixed in the last update, thanks!