I’m using the Toilet Exhause Fan blueprint. The complication is my ON/OFF switch actually has the power control for the fan built-in. So if someone turns OFF the switch then the fan stays OFF.
Question: If someone turns OFF the fan switch while it’s running, How do I make the fan turn back on, if the timer is still counting down?
Edit : I’m using v2. 0
Not clear to me whether v.2.x updates have a way to override the human who turns OFF the switch, but I want it to run for the full timer amount of time.
Thanks, I’m curious though … The “switch” is a wireless smart switch that reports it’s power state to HA, its power can be turned ON/OFF thru HA, and ALSO the bathroom user can push the switch buttons ON/OFF (the entity state change reported to HA). The switch = Lutron PD-8ANS-XX
What we want is for the fan to always remain on during the delay time. If the switch entity state changes to OFF during delay time for any reason, then the Blueprint should turn it back ON.
Maybe you could point me to where in your Blueprint code I could look to see about altering it to force ON always during delay time?
Edit: thinking about it, maybe it would require re-entrance of the code, or else some nested looping. Maybe not yet possible with Blueprint YAML?
Collapsible Sections - Added collapsible sections to the blueprint. This enhancement improves the blueprint user interface by making it cleaner and more organized, allowing sections to be collapsed.
This feature was introduced in Home Assistant 2024.6, so you must have this version or later for the blueprint to work.
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Safeguard - If your trigger is a light and it remains ON (keeping the fan ON), you can set a maximum run time to automatically turn both the light and fan OFF. No more getting cross at the children for leaving the light ON… Family peace is restored . The new feature is found in the Triggers section.
From time to time HA updates their YAML and the way they would like to wright code… so we updated the code to follow their road map. We will be doing this through all of our blueprint as we update them.
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