TONS of log entries for this one node - for a while. Help?

I thought changing polling on this would help. It has not. Should I just remove/delete this device? Is there something wrong? Please help. It’s an Aeotec Nano switch.

The following is only part of the log - this has been ongoing for a while.

The logs look pretty normal, albeit excessive. I believe it is because hail is on, due to the fact that since it is on the power line instead of the switch it really doesn’t truly know if the switch is on or off so it has to constantly hit Z-Wave to output status.

From my understanding (driven partly by this forum topic ), if hail is not on then your Z-Wave may still show the switch as off even if it is physically on, but the constant hailing helps to remedy that.

So if you want better logs you may have to disable hail, if you want more accurate readings you may need to leave it as-is.

Is there a chance that all the “action” with that node could slow down my zwave network? I really do want accurate over better logs, but not at the cost of a slowdown…

It’s possible, but I think you will know if that starts happening. Once the switch is made to ZWaveJS it will likely improve since it supports multicasting.

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Heh, I have not yet switched over, as I’m waiting for a migration tool, and for garage door support. And I’m chicken.

Just noting that this is happening… Every three minutes!

I wonder if I should just unenroll it, and then re-enroll it to try again… Four of the six entities are unavailable, not that I need any of them.