Sections left the experimental status
and hence, I wanted to try them. And I started with my simplest view, it shows some basic information about my network.
It consists out of
mushroom chips card for the navigation bar at the top
Home - to get back to main page
icon to indicate the contents of the page
mushroom title card for the title
tile cards
which I put into a grid when using Masonry
The distance between the navigation bar and the title (mushroom chips and title) is way bigger when using sections.
Sections Layout
Masonry Layout
Is this a feature/shortcoming of the Sections Layout? or built-in into the mushroom cards? @piitaya
But my issue is related to the space between the (mushroom) cards within a section.
But for this I am not able to figure out which CSS selectors to use.
Looks like your chips card take to much space. Try restoring your card to the default size. By default chips-card takes 36px height but if you play with the grid editor, it will takes 56px to be aligned to the grid. Try restoring the default size (or remove grid_options or layout_options from yaml)