Took upgrade Broke my ZTS-500 thermostat - How do I downgrade?

I have a Remotec ZTS 500 which up until now worked perfect. I took a small upgrade last night now I cannot get it to work. I also now have two giant circle Icons now for this thermostat which I do not like.

This is my current… how do i down grade please?
Home Assistant

A better option would be to evaluate and find a fix for your problem. Your eventually going to want to upgrade past 86.3

If you just want to downgrade.

I was thinking of restoring and never taking another upgrade without a backup first. shame on me.
Ahhh… this command line is cool… Thank You!!

I dont know quite where to start evaluating. I did a search in HomeAssistant forums help and documentation and found nothing on ZTS or ZTS 500 or Remotec

It is talking but i cannot remotely turn it on or off anymore
node_id: 5
node_name: Remotec ZTS-500US
manufacturer_name: Remotec
product_name: ZTS-500US
query_stage: Complete
is_awake: true
is_ready: true
is_failed: false
is_info_received: true
max_baud_rate: 40000
is_zwave_plus: true
capabilities: routing,beaming,zwave_plus,frequent
neighbors: 1,10,11,7
sentCnt: 19
sentFailed: 0
retries: 0
receivedCnt: 13
receivedDups: 0
receivedUnsolicited: 1
sentTS: 2019-01-31 09:23:22:451
receivedTS: 2019-01-31 09:23:23:905
lastRequestRTT: 1275
averageRequestRTT: 846
lastResponseRTT: 178
averageResponseRTT: 185
battery_level: 89
friendly_name: Remotec ZTS-500US

Have you made any progress on this one? I’ve recently installed a ZTS 500 and having similar control issues. Mine is running battery mode. Tried excluding and including again to network but same result. Running as secure node also.

Hi, Someone can solve this issue ?. I have the same problem with my remotec zts-500 us.

I’m not sure what finally fixed it for me, but I’ll post the things I tried when it finally started working:

While hass was shutdown:

Good luck!