Ok, now I have a weird situation.
Wiring seems to be ok and I get the correct voltage from all the pins. However the ESP is not connecting to the WiFi. I can see the WiFi hotspot of the ESP but cannot connect (the password seems to be wrong). If I connect the ESP to the computer over USB, ESPhome does not recognize it. And now the strange thing. I un-soldered all the wires and the ESP works without problems on USB and on WiFi.
Is the wiring creating an issue?
I would guess either bad soldering or that A.C. 5V supply is not able to offer enough current.
Resolder carefully and test on breadboard like I suggested on previous post.
Also control with multimeter in continuity mode that you don’t have solder bridges on shifter board and that you have continuity on gnd pins.
One thing just came to my mind… If that level shifter module have pullup on data pins, esp8266 probably goes to wrong boot mode when using GPIO15 (D8) as TX.
So you can go with another pin like GPIO12 (D6).
Esphome has to use softwareserial since only GPIO13 and 15 can be used for hardwareserial. But at 9600 baudrate it should work.
Another option is to use TX and RX pins, but it’s hit or miss with D1 mini.
May I give you suggestion. Leave that D1mini to some other project, like blinking a led, and get some Esp32 devboards. Not some weird version but the old good Esp Wroom32 board with microUSB connector.
Why is the temperature showing currently 127 ˚C ?
Log >
[00:44:01][I][app:100]: ESPHome version 2024.11.2 compiled on Nov 29 2024, 00:36:37
[00:44:01][I][ToshibaClimateUart:315]: Min Temp: 17
[00:45:00][I][ToshibaClimateUart:125]: Requesting data from sensor 187, checksum: 249
[00:45:00][I][ToshibaClimateUart:125]: Requesting data from sensor 190, checksum: 246
[00:45:00][I][ToshibaClimateUart:257]: Received room temp: 127 °C
[00:45:00][I][ToshibaClimateUart:262]: Received outdoor temp: -8 °C
ESPHome config file >
name: toshiba
friendly_name: Toshiba
board: esp32dev
type: arduino
# Enable Home Assistant API
key: "xxxxxxxxxxx"
- platform: esphome
password: "xxxxxxx"
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
- source:
type: git
url: https://github.com/pedobry/esphome_toshiba_suzumi
components: [toshiba_suzumi]
level: info
id: uart_bus
tx_pin: 33
rx_pin: 32
parity: EVEN
baud_rate: 9600
- platform: toshiba_suzumi
name: living-room
id: living_room
uart_id: uart_bus
outdoor_temp: # Optional. Outdoor temperature sensor
name: Outdoor Temp
# Filter out value 127 as that's what unit sends when it can's measure the outside temp.
# - filter_out: 127
name: "Power level"
#min_temp: 7 # Optional. Min temp is by default set to 17°C. If your AC has 8° heating mode, you can set different min temperature here.
horizontal_swing: true # Optional. Uncomment if your HVAC supports also horizontal swing
special_mode: # Optional. Enable only the features your HVAC supports.
name: "Special mode"
#- "Off"
#- "ECO"
- "Hi POWER"
#- "8 degrees"
#- "Fireplace"
#disable_wifi_led: true # Optional. Disable Wifi LED on internal unit.
# Enable button to scan for unknown values in AC unit. This is optional.
- platform: template
name: "Scan for unknown sensors"
icon: "mdi:reload"
- lambda: |-
auto* controller = static_cast<toshiba_suzumi::ToshibaClimateUart*>(id(living_room));