Toyota Connect

I just finished one addon and integrating functionality from Toyota Connect is next on my list. I really hate their “MyT Toyota” app, worthless garbage when the car is capable of so much more.

Toyota offers a relatively simple REST API although it might be geographically limited. I’m in Europe so I find that I need to first authenticate to You receive a uuid and token along with basic profile information. Putting that token and uuid in the header you can use their REST api at I have no idea how it is for any where else.

I would like to offer some help, is there a git repo I can contribute to or anything?

There is a git Repo with some python scripts made by @calmjm:

But no one is making any effort to package this into something directly consumable by Hassio? If not, then I’m going to start.


Anyone get this working in the US? I tried but I keep getting auth errors :frowning:

Login failed … Check your credentials … 401

Is there a US one I can try? “

I there a web interface any where that you can sign in and send/receive data about your car? Googling I find this If you can register and do those things, then someone who has access to it would be able to reverse engineer it.

Oh they have a ton of APIs, categorized quite nicely: The difficulty is they aren’t meant for the public even though they taunt you on the internet.

I’m Italian too but I don’t have this knowledge on python. I install it on my HA but where should I put python script? Can you write a more detailed guide? Thank you

Hey, i’m getting my new Toyota in april, and when it arrives I will start to make an integration for it. If anyone is interested in helping out, please comment here. I will return to this thread when i get it. :smile:

Cool, maybe you and @GimpArm can join forces :slight_smile:
If you have some sort of code I’m interested in helping out.

I don’t have yet, but my plan is to use one of the existing car integrations as a template to build on.

Probably the Mazda one, but not sure yet.

And i’m very open to do collaboration on this :smile: The more the better.

count me in too! Would love to help.

Also interested. Got my VW on Home Assistant (with help from others using Node-Red), but can’t figure out myself to get my Toyota on too. Different API. I am running HA on RP4 and can’t use the .py solution, I guess.

My Toyota Yaris is leased so I hope to use the odometer reading to automatically keep track of my milage usage and remind me to use the other car if I am above my average allowance.

I cannot login to this site ( ) with my usual Toyota uname/pass btw … are you able to access these services??

@dmauro This is not for logging in with your normal Toyota customer account :wink: You need a special developer account for that. Unfortunately, registration also seems to be allowed only for certain company email addresses. With my private Gmail address or similar, I can not create an account.

@DurgNomis-drol & @GimpArm . I think before we can worry about the actual Home Assistant integration, we should first create a general MyT Python library that can be made available via PyPI. Presumably we can use some of the work already done by @calmjm , but will need to rewrite it if he doesn’t want to provide a libary himself via PyPI. How do you guys see this?

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I have done a lot of work the last couple of days. THIS IS STILL ALPHA, but it should work. I just can’t confirm it before I get my car. I won’t provide installation information before it is confirmed to at least be working. But contributions are more the welcome. There is still a lot to be done.

@CM000n Agree, but i have never done that. So that is something i would have to learn :smile: But to make it easier i have separated it already.



@CM000n If you can test it and leave feedback over on github I would be very grateful :smile:

Hi @DurgNomis-drol, thanks a lot!
Maybe I can have a look, if I find some time this evening.

Maybe this is a good starting point to make your package ready for PyPi:

First I think you have to split the Home Assistant Component and the basic Toyota Libary in two seperate Git Repos

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@CM000n I have started splitting it up into two repos. I will populate the issues tab with things i think should be done before first release. Lets get this going :partying_face:

@DurgNomis-drol This is looking great! I’m the author of the Mazda integration. I’m glad my code has been helpful to you so far. Looking forward to seeing how this progresses!


Has anyone find a U.S based API site we can login to? The Europe one doesn’t seem to accept uname/pass from US accounts?.?.?