Tp-link bulbs LB100, LB110, and LB120

Looks like it’s getting close…

re naxxfish comment. I am seeing the opposite. when I turn on a tplink lb120 scene, regardless of the brightness setting, the bulb always comes on at 100%.

I am running 0.50.1. will upgrade to 0.50.2 this evening.

Could you please create an issue on the pyhs100 repository with sysinfo output? That is the only one we are currently missing the system information for tests.

Related to the problem itself, you could try the current git master to see if the console tool works for changing the settings fine or not. I think we are going to need some logs to debug this further though.

I guess it probably goes without saying… but I’m going to say it anyway.

HomeAssistant works with TP-Link hardware most reliably when the IP addresses do not change on the TP-Link devices. Of course there is no physical way to set a static IP on these devices but never fear. Once they are set up and have IP addresses, simply go to your router and pull up the DHCP Client list. Find the TP-Link devices and make a note of the IPs and MAC Addresses, for each device. Then go into address reservations in your router and assign each device’s MAC to its current IP address. From then on, rebooting your router and lights will always result in the devices using the same permanent IP addresses. It’s a way to assign STATIC IP addresses when it’s not possible to CONFIGURE a static IP on a device.

Colors work great! Thanks for all the hard work!!

Hey everyone, was just wondering if anyone else is not able to set the color temperature via Hass for the LB120 bulb? I can do so though Kasa no problem but don’t have the option here.

Is the temperature setting working with the console tool for you? E.g. with pyhs100 --ip temperature 5000 ? (add --debug to see some more information if it is not working)

Color setting works well in the frontend works very well. Is it possible to set the color and brightness as well in an automated turn on in the automations.yaml? It’s not mentioned in Thanks M

All the platforms follow the same API, so that’s possible of course. See for introduction how to do automations :slight_smile:

Issue: Unable to see TP Link bulbs in Home Assistant & for the same reason harmony hub doesn’t see any Philips Hue light available to be added in activity.

I have Harmony hub running in my Living room which almost controls everything except TP Link bulbs, Sonoff smart switch and my smart motorized curtains.
I thought of using Home Assistant to control all these things with Harmony Hub remote.

My Configuration.yaml:


  listen_port: 80


  - platform: tplink


Able to control these bulbs using pyhs100
(homeassistant) homeassistant@raspberrypi:/home/pi $ pyhs100 --ip on
No --bulb nor --plug given, discovering…
Turning on…


(homeassistant) homeassistant@raspberrypi:/home/pi $ pyhs100
No host name given, trying discovery…
Discovering devices for 3 seconds
== Shade Two - LB110(US) ==
Brightness: 75
Is dimmable: True
== Generic information ==
Time: None
Hardware: 1.0
Software: 1.8.6 Build 180809 Rel.091659
MAC (rssi): 50C7BF3FBAC1 (-41)
WARNING:pyHS100.smartdevice:Unsupported device location.
Location: {‘longitude’: None, ‘latitude’: None}
== Emeter ==
Current state: {‘power_mw’: 0}

== Shade One - LB110(US) ==
Device state: ON
Brightness: 75
Is dimmable: True
== Generic information ==
Time: None
Hardware: 1.0
Software: 1.8.6 Build 180809 Rel.091659
MAC (rssi): 50C7BF2BCE40 (-51)
WARNING:pyHS100.smartdevice:Unsupported device location.
Location: {‘longitude’: None, ‘latitude’: None}
== Emeter ==
Current state: {‘power_mw’: 8300}

Details of platform running on Raspberry Pi3 B+:
Manually installed Home Assistant on Virtual Environment (
Home Assistant: Home Assistant 0.85.1
Philips Hue successfully added after setting configuration.yaml and Harmony hub also able to add it as a device but Home Assistant only detecting my Samsung Smart TV and considering it as my light
TP Link: LB110
Hardware Version: 1.0
Firmware Version: 1.8.6

Do you have error logs from homeassistant?

I was doing a stupid mistake… was adding a light under Switch definition. can any one help in turning TP Link lights from python script?

See, it contains examples of how to use the backend library directly with python.

I know this is over 3 years ago, but the problem is still present with TPLink bulbs. color_temp: in automations.yaml, and scenes.yaml don’t get applied. Been searching for a fix for days and everything I’m reading is stall.

Does your scene file have other variables besides the color temp? I cannot recall the order things are being executed, but if you mix temps and hsv colors, one will override another.

Thanks @teprrr - I appreciate your help!

Here’s a screenshot of the scenes.yaml file.

You could try to remove the unnecessary elements from those entries (i.e., just keep state, brightness, and either hs_color, rgb_color or xy_color) to avoid clashes, but I don’t see any color temperature settings there?

Thanks for the tips!

I just checked my automation/scene files and don’t have a current example of color_temp being set. I probably removed the liens of of code from the YAML files when they didn’t provide the desired result.
I like to keep the YAML files simple while I am learning HA.

On another note, something happened to my config and all of my automations were turned off. Haven’t been able to toggle them on and adding “initial_state: True” to each automation in the YAML files has no effect. So I am going to wipe this entire installation and rebuild.

I have to admit, I am greatly discouraged at how primitive all this integration, home automation is after all these years. As a tech myself, I do get it and know why it’s like that. Corporate greed, selfishness and a lack of standards has created a messy situation for us end users. But it will NEVER go as main stream as we would like if stuff doesn’t work consistently. To prove my point, ask any housewife how they feel about their husbands implementation of home automation. We need to get to a place where things work together, and techy people don’t have to spend 100 hours debugging stuff.

Until then, I am intrigued by the tech itself and as a geek, will continue to be encouraged by the many people who support this community and provide assistance along the way. Thank you for your help!