TP-Link HS-100 "Device is already configured"

I’m having an issue discovering a TP-Link HS-100 switch. I’ve used this prior (6 months+). I have done a full reset and added it back into the Kasa app. When I go into Home Assistant and attempt to add it I get a message saying the device is already configured.

I assume there is a stale entry that needs to be removed. Is this in the database or file system somewhere?

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Seconding this issue.


Old threat, but I just ran into this myself (granted it was with HS220 devices), but the same Device is already configured error. For me, these were brand new devices that had never been previously connected. I forced an IP change via my router and in the Home Assistant TP-Link integration, I plugged in the new IP address into the Host field. Upon clicking Submit, the familiar “choose a location for your device” appeared and have been working great on my installation.

Home Assistant 2023.9.2
Supervisor 2023.09.2
Operating System 10.5
Frontend 20230911.0 - latest


I just ran into this. Going to try forcing an IP change.

In my case it ended up to be a renamed and incidentally disabled switch that I did not realize was the same one. I ended up figuring this out by looking at the integration’s config file by opening the terminal and looking at config/.storage/core.config_entries and searching for the IP address of the device.

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Thank you glenviewjeff - that was the trick, looking for it in core.config_entries by the IP address. Initially I went looking for it by its MAC address as suggested in the tagged solution for this topic, but had no luck in any of the core files. Looking by IP address showed my new device had piggy-backed on an old device entry in core.config_entries which was no longer in use but had previously been assigned the same IP address. I deleted the full entry, restarted Home Assistant, and my new dimmer (HS220) showed up in Integrations wanting me to choose its location and add it into my system. Worked GREAT!

+1 to this, thank you @glenviewjeff !

Used the SSH terminal add-on to remove not one but two outdated entries from config/.storage/core.config_entries that were using the same IP address that was assigned to a brand new Kasa KL135 bulb. After a restart of HA, I had a notification telling me new devices were detected and asking for configuration :smile: