TP-Link HS100/HS200 changing IP addresses?

I’ve got two switches and two plugs… and they like to hop IP addresses. I’ve locked them down in my router’s static assignment page, but they continue to move. Even though they’re assigned static addresses, if I have to reboot my router, they’ll change. Which breaks large parts of my HA configuration.

Anyone else seen this happen?

Could it be that you have duplicate static routes (or a typo in the mac address)? If they’re getting a different IP address, it’s coming from the router, so the only reason I can see why it wouldn’t give the expected one would be if it’s already handed it out to another device.

I have 4 HS110’s and never seen this happen.

I have 2 HS110’s and they have never changed their IP Address.
You might want to check your DHCP Reservation Pool on your Router

I have the exact same issue…

I’ve set a static IP on my router (Huawei HG8247Q - Vodafone Portugal) for the HS110 and once in a while it changes to a different one. I have several other devices with static IP and no issues.

Vodafone Portugal has an Android app that allows me to block/unblock a device (in this case, HS110) from my Wi-Fi network and this allows me to correct the situation without having to reboot the router.

What’s your router, bundito?

Apparently this is a known issue with TP Link. I too experience this also.

Note: Setting a DCHP reservation is DIFFERENT than setting a static. Commonly mistaken - in most routes what you are doing is setting a reservation - Filtering by MAC address and reserving an IP. Seince we don’t seem to have direct interface with TP Link, such as HS200 smart switches, we are NOT ABLE to set STATIC IP which is done on the device itself. – This is common misconception I just learned about myself. Please if I am incorrect, someone correct me.

So far no solution that I am aware of - and when Kasa (TP Link) does firmware updates it almost always grabs a new IP for me. I just realize the Switch/Plug becomes unavailabe and that makes me remember to go in and insert the new IP addresses.

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That makes perfect sense, although my router calls it “static IP” I believe as well that is only IP reservation.

What “worked” for me was to set a DHCP lease time of 1 hour, this way the router will assign the reserved IP every hour and this resulted in a max. of 30min without HA reaching the HS110 up till now.

I don’t have that many devices in my home network (<15) so a short DHCP lease time isn’t an issue.

You can of course go lower (30/15/5/1 minutes) but HS110 isn’t that much mission critical to me.


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I got a problem someone take my hs100 from my garden And I know the thief will let her fly or activate her and how can I see the position from gps where she is or some data about the hs100 drone I have to get her back it was a birthdaypresend… I downloaded „Find my drone“ but they net hostadress and much data’s and these I don’t k ow who can help me pls?

This is not a quadcopter forum. HS100 here is a product from tp-link (smart plug).
You are looking for the “Holy Stone HS100” which is something completely different.