TP-Link Kasa Spot KC100

I’m having the same issue. I have an EC70 and can also pull down the mp4 just fine with the curl command on my raspberry pi 4. I’m wondering if it’s actually a timeout or the credentials are not working.

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Alright, I might be a bit too late for the party! However, I would like to say a big thank you to the creater of this addon. Its awesome. Though it has some drawbacks but I have to say it works.

  • There is a delay in the stream
  • There seems to be having sort of a buffer
    But as I said it does the Job
    I can confirm it works with
  • KC110
  • KC100
  • KC 105
    I have 9 cameras (mix of all the models above) and it all works.
    Thanks again bro. God Bless!


Help !! I’m super new to all this HA and add-ons. I read the information but still not too sure what i should do. Do i need to copy the information in the configuration file (change the ip/name/pass …etc). And anything else required? Many thanks in advance.

Kasa released great new camera.
I Added the addon repo to my HA and lunched the addon. I Didnt see any errors or not sure If i looked in right place. After putting in the information I was not able to get the stream working. I am using HA in VMware Workstation. Could someone provide a detailed guide for us noobs. Thank you.

Hi Everyone,
I’d also like to thank the creator for this!
Can add that I have it working with 3 cameras simply by including them all in the Add-On configuration and in configuration.yaml.
Didn’t need to copy past Add-On multiple times, change ports etc.

Got this working for a KC100 after a few attempts (user error!) any idea how i implement the toggle?
toggleentity: input_boolean.kasa_camera_enabled

When I go to add this, I get this error:

Failed to install add-on

Can’t install joshgetter/armhf-home-assistant-nodered:2: 404 Client Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.41/images/create?tag=2&fromImage=joshgetter%2Farmhf-home-assistant-nodered&platform=linux%2Farm%2Fv6: Not Found (“manifest for joshgetter/armhf-home-assistant-nodered:2 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown”)

Is this my error, or is something wrong with the package?

Any ideas why when I add the repo I only see node-red? no Kasa Camera?

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Pretty sure you want to add this repo and not the Node-Red one: hassio-addons/kasa-camera at master · joshgetter/hassio-addons · GitHub

Josh says that he had to pull the ARM support, which makes total sense. I’m not even mad! :7)

FYI, I installed the stock Node-Red package (i.e., not Josh’s) on my Pi, and then added only his Kasa-Camera integration, and now it works!

This is an awesome add-on, thanks @joshgetter! I’ve got a KC105 and would love to use the motion sensor in it to automate lighting. Does anyone if that is possible and how I would do it?

Hi everyone. I just found this thread.
I tried to add: hassio-addons/kasa-camera at master · joshgetter/hassio-addons · GitHub in the “manage add-on depositories” section of my Home Assistant, but it shows as an invalid add-on depository error.
Is there another way to integrate this to get my TP-Link KC200 to work with Home Assistant?
I’m running a RPi3. I’m not super technical, but I am very good at following directions.
I’m running:

Home Assistant Core 2022.5.5

Home Assistant Supervisor 2022.05.3

Home Assistant OS 8.1

Kernel version 5.15.32-v7

Agent version 1.2.1

Thanks in advance.

@joshgetter what would be needed to verify and update this to work on the new Kasa Doorbell KD110? In the app it associates itself as a camera but when I try to set it up in HA I get various error messages:

info: KasaStreamer.HealthChecker[0]
[Doorbell] Starting health check
info: KasaStreamer.HealthChecker[0]
[Doorbell] IS NOT healthy
info: KasaStreamer.Camera[0]
[Doorbell] Stopping camera
info: KasaStreamer.Ffmpeg[0]
[Doorbell] Ffmpeg stopped
info: KasaStreamer.Camera[0]
[Doorbell] Starting camera
info: System.Net.Http.HttpClient.KasaHttpClient.LogicalHandler[100]
Start processing HTTP request GET
info: System.Net.Http.HttpClient.KasaHttpClient.ClientHandler[100]
Sending HTTP request GET
info: KasaStreamer.Ffmpeg[0]
[Doorbell] Ffmpeg started
info: System.Net.Http.HttpClient.KasaHttpClient.ClientHandler[101]
Received HTTP response headers after 386.672ms - 401
info: System.Net.Http.HttpClient.KasaHttpClient.LogicalHandler[101]
End processing HTTP request after 387.2138ms - 401
fail: KasaStreamer.KasaStreamReader[0]
[Doorbell] An error occurred while reading camera stream.
System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized).
at System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetStreamAsyncCore(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at KasaStreamer.KasaStreamReader.StartSplittingStream(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /KasaStreamer/KasaStreamer/KasaStreamReader.cs:line 117

if anyone is still interested, in my opinion scrypted is a much better solution. and it also has a better homekit integration and almost no delay. just add the scrypted home assistant. In scrypted add the FFmpeg, homekit and Pam diff Motion detection. to add a camera go to the FFmpeg and use this for the input
-f h264 -i https://[user name]:[password]@[camera ip]:19443/https/stream/mixed?video=h264&audio=g711&resolution=hd

notes: 1 - thanks to joshgetter for the add on, i used it for a long time
2 - if anyone knows how to add the audio to the input argument, please let me know. thx


Sounds interesting.
Could you link to the Scrypted addon for home assistant that you use? Or did I misunderstand? you can install it as an addon for home assistant or run it as a docker container somewhere else.

@fekhoo Thanks for recommending this. I set this up tonight and was able to stream my Kasa doorbell through HA with minimal effort. One note though; when I set up the platform as ffmpeg instead of generic camera HA did not provide a unique entity ID so I could not manage the camera via the integration screen. When I did a little bit of digging I found that within the ffmpeg plugin in Scrypted it provides a rtsp url that can be used to stream the source when using the generic camera plugin which worked with little effort with an update to my configuration.yaml.

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Hi Josh, am a newbie to all these HA stuffs. Do you have any steps/instruction what do to with your solution or how can i get the KC100 camera in HA? The scripts and files … i’ve no clue what or how to use them. Thanks in advance

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just set it up for my EC70. Working great. thanks!