TP-Link Omada Controller as device_tracker?


I’m currently using a few TP-Link EAP225v3 access points for WiFi around the house. They are all connected to a TP-Link Omada (formerly EAP) Controller. The only information I’ve been able to find about a possible Omada device_tracker is this issue on the HA GitHub. Apparently the integration used to exist but it was later removed from HA, so does anyone know if there is a current device_tracker that works?

My APs are all connected to an EdgeRouter-X, but I’ve tried a few different EdgeOS device_trackers and the performance is…not great.


Did you ever figure anything out on the Omada controller? I just got done setting up some EAP225v3s along with the controller running on Windows.

No, unfortunately not.

That’s a bummer. Was thinking more on it and maybe not a priority to HA, given it can only track wifi devices and no LAN devices. For my purposes, that’s all I really care about for presence detection. Wish I was a better programmer…

Did you try snmp?

I could enable snmp on my TP-Link AP, and query it, but the device lacked a client list… A more professional (expensive) device could/should work imho

EDIT: ps I think the ‘removed’ functionality you mention is still available as a custom component, see the thread here TPLink Router Device Tracker

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Unfortunately, it looks like I can only enable snmp on the individual APs if I disable the controller, which is not going to happen.

I’ll look into the custom component, thanks!

I have two EAP245’s and am running omada so I’m interested in this as well. I believe that you can turn off omada (disconnect the AP’s), then log in to each one and turn on SNMP support, then turn omada back on and re-add the AP’s. Even though you can’t get to the AP individual setups anymore, the SNMP mode is still active. I haven’t done this yet, but I remember reading about somewhere. Here are the EAP MIB’s:

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This may have changed since you guys looked, but you can enable snmp site wide under the omada settings and then services menu.


Thanks for the tip Chris.
I have SNMP enabled across both my EAP-225 V3 now by selecting it in the Omada SDN controller software under “Services” I have created a couple of sensors and they work fine as indicators of whether the AP is up or not. (unknown means its down!)


I have the MIB for v1 and v2 of the EAPs and that helped, but there is no v3 MIB for download as far as I can see. I think I can identify the OID for REBOOT from the MIB I have, but I cant figure out if I can switch off a particular SSID from SNMP without fuller MIB info. - Is that even possible?

Sorry about reviving an old thread, but I recently setup 3x EAP265 HDs and a TR7206 at home and have the Omada Software Controller running using mbentley’s Docker image.

I have found that I can connect to the controller’s MongoDB instance and query the collections for client information, speedtest results, and Omada device info.

I am now deciding on which route to take to get this working in HA - should I create a bash script or golang program that can I can run periodically to publish the data to MQTT, or go down the route of (learning python and HA’s Dev process and) creating a custom component that can be configured to be poll the MongoDB collections for the data I want?

I am considering the MQTT solution as an interim step while I get the custom component built, but I am aware that if I get the MQTT system working, the incentive to build the component is lost.

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A custom component for this would be fantastic, but I agree that it would be a lot more work to create and maintain it.

See Needs to be installed via HACS and is a work in progress.


I briefly used omada’s controller with ha. With nodered I was able to log in and get a realtime print from the syslog. It seemed like everything was being reported but I didn’t use it long enough to parse what was actually coming through.

That is awesome, thanks for the information. I will see what I can do to contribute to this then.

Just found out bout this, which is great news ! I’m not a programmer but can test / contribute to the project.
Another thing might be if we can create an add-on for Omada controller to run in HA as container.

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I don’t own Omada hardware yet, but I’m looking into what kind of access point I would be interested in buying. Isn’t this addon what you are looking for GeertV? Hassio-Addons/ at 1dd68aef12cfd7fdbe2dd2ee98258ec487315006 · MattFryer/Hassio-Addons · GitHub

Absolutely :slight_smile: Many thanks, I was reading into creating an add-on myself…

So would an addon like this enable Home Assistant to be able to block clients attached to the APs?
I’m looking for a way to block my kids from getting online at certain times. Also looking into the omada ecosystem for a network rebuild so I would be very interested if this were possible.

I can see 2 different Omada controller addons for HA.

Did anyone managed to make any of these work?

This one does for device tracker:

Bad thing is that it automatically adds every client as an entity. I would rather it brought them in as disabled and let you choose which ones you want to track instead.

I’m hoping they can get to the point where you can turn a certain wireless acces point and switch ports on and off.