Hi guys,
A couple of advances:
After using these parameters:
"method" : "login",
"params": {
"appType": "Tapo_Ios",
"cloudPassword": "password",
"cloudUserName": "[email protected]",
"terminalUUID": "6ff68c53-6057-40f3-a266-b2e41404c809"
I’m getting my list of devices:
"error_code": 0,
"result": {
"deviceList": [
"deviceType": "SMART.TAPOPLUG",
"role": 0,
"fwVer": "1.3.2",
"appServerUrl": "https://eu-wap.tplinkcloud.com",
"deviceRegion": "eu-west-1",
"deviceId": "deviceId",
"deviceName": "P100",
"deviceHwVer": "1.0",
"alias": "alias",
"deviceMac": "Mac",
"oemId": "9552772F906C60A9AEEA36A3347B6EBC",
"deviceModel": "P100",
"hwId": "9994A0A7D5B29645B8150C392284029D",
"fwId": "1D18AD293A25ABDE41405B20C6F98816",
"isSameRegion": true,
"status": 0
However when using old requests from TP-Link KASA Api I’m getting the following:
"method": "passthrough",
"params": {
"deviceId": "deviceId",
"error_code": -20571,
"msg": "Device is offline"
I’m running out of ideas now, I’ve been trying to Nmap the devices and so far I just see requests from the IOs App to UDP port 20002 but they go to the broadcast address.
Anyone made any other progress?