Tplinc/Kaza integration

Integration is weak at best. For example: renaming devices, removing old devices, time lag… Enough said, I have a question.

Can HA access tplinc groups. In process of converting from Insteon devices to tplinc. switches, plug in modules and about 200 bulbs. Using Aqara P1’s to control areas via ha…Having access to tplincs groups could save to ton of code.

my thanks to all the smarter than I am folks out there…

Btw, I will have many insteon devices for sale soon… Over 100, many new in box. Contact me if interested.


My TP Link / Kasa is working fine with no time lag.

My apologies, Time lag on installation before config shows up, sometimes overnight


That timelag is from the provinsioning, which is done with the TP-link servers, so nothing HA can do about that.

The groups in the Kasa app is just local groups and not something that exist on the devices, so no chance of getting that information from in the current setup.

TPLink have already had a run-in with the HA community and I doubt they are ready to open up there eco-system today than last time.

I have a ton of the HS300s and EP25s. I make sure I label the outlet as best as I can when setting it up as whatever labels you put in stay…even if you move it to something else. I am seriously thinking about just naming the HS300s “outlet 1”, “outlet 2”, etc.

Then, if you have made changes, re-load the device in the TP-Link/Kasa integration. It takes a while but it will eventually happen and I have usually not had to wait more than 5 minutes.

I still have to do edits in the device to rename it if I renamed the device as well as getting into the device to rename each outlet…and then I typically have to rename the entities. I do choose the “rename entities” when prompted when I renamed the device in HA but it doesn’t seem to always be what I want.

Good info…
My thanks


Ha really needs to clean up this integration, Many users…

Any other inputs?