Track who opened the door

Hello all!
I implemented HA in my office and now I have an RFID for all my employees and it is working great.
there is a small problem where I can’t log people using the app to unlock the door when they don’t have their badge on them. so, is there any way to track who opened the door? like tracking a user/person interacting with a switch or light through the iOS app?

Thank you

Employ a doorman.

but seriously, people are using smart locks and smart garage door openers shared between multiple persons in their house and this could be a good thing to have in logs. like my wife forgot to lock the front door last night and I need proof that she opened it and forgot about it.

Can you track their location perhaps and determine who was by the door when it was unlocked?

it’s illegal to track their location out of the office and they turned off their location tracking. but with tracking on you can’t tell who opened the door. as an example they leave to grab something from their car or opens the door for someone else to get in and the person who opened the door is already in the office.

Then another option you could explore is a camera systems with some facial recognition?

yes, that would be an option but needs spending some money and installation effort.
so there is no such a thing built-in in Hassio?

Maybe if you use baesyian probability sensor and the event related to the app becoming active?

Or if you can get everyone to use widgets/shortcuts/3d touch instead, maybe you can use iOS actions fired:

There is a user_id attribute sent.

Camera_snapshot trigger when door open or unlock.

If in wifi, ip address could be possible.

Require code to unlock. Individual codes per user.
This may be easiest and best.

Web enpoint that calls HA API that unlocks door. API require long live access token that may be unique for each user. Not sure if you can see token use.

Maybe the webapp I have released recently is a solution to your problem: HASS-WH-Triggers (secure remote access for webhook triggers)
A bit tricky to set up, but it allows my brother to unlock my front door, and I get a notification about this, including his location (because I have set it up this way, it’s not a requirement).

Create a small automation, where the affected employee send a code which should be matched by a genuine employee who has already logged in. This automation could exist only for say 2 mins.

Or the employee can send a email from the official account. The automation would check the domain name and open the door for say 2 mins.

I do not know where you are in the world. But within EU it is not GDPR compliant to log an employee who unlocks a door unless they are using a code to unlock. If you are within the EU you should be careful.

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