Transition not working with nooie (tuya) smart bulb


I am trying to set up a nooie - sub brand of tuya - smart bulb but can’t get the transition effect working.
It does go to brightness 1, waits 1 second but then it just goes to 200 ignoring the transition

Any ideas what is wrong?

I’ve been looking at this as well with some new Tuya bulbs (feit electric brand from costco). From what I found so far, they might not support the transition attribute.

Having the same issues w/ these FEIT bulbs from Costco. Got them setup ok in HA, but no transition is an issue. Built a script to change these over time (trying to emulate a sunrise effect), but the transitions aren’t that smooth. Haven’t tried reducing below 10 seconds changes yet. Here’s the script at 10 second intervals fwiw:

  alias: Sunrise wake-up
  - variables:
      start_temp: 153
      end_temp: 370
      duration_pds: 180
      delay_secs: 10
      red_start: 255
      green_start: 63
      blue_start: 0
  - service: light.turn_on
        - '{{ red_start }}'
        - '{{ green_start }}'
        - '{{ blue_start }}'
      brightness: 1
    entity_id: '{{ entity }}'
  - delay: '1'
  - repeat:
      count: '{{ duration_pds }}'
      - service: light.turn_on
          brightness: '{{ (repeat.index / duration_pds * 255) | int }}'
            - '255'
            - '{{ ( (255 - green_start) / (duration_pds) * repeat.index + green_start)|int }}'
            - '{{ ( (255 - blue_start)  / (duration_pds) * repeat.index + blue_start )|int }}'
        entity_id: '{{ entity }}'
      - delay: '{{ delay_secs }}'
  mode: single

NOTE: I trigger this with an automation that has:

entity: light.xxxxx

Which passes the entity_id of the bulb to use in the script. You can hard code this if you prefer.

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Can anyone explain why I can’t copy-paste some scripts? Always same message : Message malformed: extra keys not allowed @ data[myscriptname]