Trend IQ4 Controller

Hello everyone, I am very new to HA and running it on a RPi using all-in-one and was hoping for some advice from more experienced users.
I have acquired a TREND IQ4 controller which runs it’s own programming a bit like a PLC. The newer versions of these controllers now additionally run an XML web service which exposes the XML interface. By issuing the HTTP GET for name($) and value(V) of Sensor 1 of the IQ4 controller as below:


the following is returned:

 written by IQ4E192 Iss3.30 Apr 23 2015 Saved 2017-2-5T18:50:23TZD 
<Site CncAddress="101" TuaString="T/Name_of_Controller/TCP,,,IQ4_IP_ADDRESS_,10101///38/20/">
<Lan IsLocal="True" LanNumber="38">
<Device DeviceNumber="20" VersionString="IQ4E192 Iss3.30 Apr 23 2015">
<DeviceOverview DeviceType="q" MajorVersion="3" MinorVersion="3" HexEncoded="711B1B1B41333330" Revision="0"/>
<Module Name="S1" SubTypeNumber="-1">
<Param Name="$" Type="2" Value="Temp Bead"/>
<Param Name="V" Type="1" Value="18.554449"/>

I am hoping someone can point me in the direction of how I can extract the Values of the Params eg(18.55449 or Temp Bead).

Thanks in advance for your help.


Hi Chutoro,
I’m writing you not to answer to your question, but to ask you another one…sorry!
I can retrieve the sensors value like you do with S1($,V), but I can’t retrieve the digital input. I’ve tried with I1(V) but I get “Invalid” as value" (while the value is "off).
Do you know I I can do that?

If you are using an IQ4 I would suggest using the bacnet driver as referenced in this post bacnet support as IQ4s are also native bacnet controllers. If you are using IQ3s then http://IQ4_IP_ADDRESS_/ws/tsite.xml?&Request=I1($,S) will get you the label and state of input 1. To see all the available parameters just use http://IQ4_IP_ADDRESS_/ws/tsite.xml?&Request=I1(*) and pick what you need.

Hope it helps.

@noobsRus thanks for the URL, I can now retrieve the missing info!
About the BacNet, I’ve been trying to use Node Red (which I already use for a ton of stuff!) but I can’t for the love of me use the BacNet node to connect to the Trend board. (with Yabe I can see all the data, but with).
I’ll try asking to a couple of guy in that post that are using that node.