from time to time I have some errors in my system log file where I do not know if it is related really to the DB or if it is an disk error.
I wan’t to do a backup of my log file. This is working.
I have implemented this for a real shutdown, but when just crashing I have currently no solution when the UI is not responding. So I wan’t to backup in front.
But I was wondering if I can create a trigger in the automation when something is found in the system log file:
@Troon Thanks for the code, I will try in addition. @nickrout Thanks for the hint, I will check again, I am not pretty sure if this is also the case when there will be a crash.
This may be useful. In the 2024 version of HA Core, I use the following automation to restart an integration when a certain error pops up (search for the integration entity_id in the file .storage/core.config_entries in the config directory: