Triggering Prerecorded Dog Barking Sound

I’m new to this … I was searching online for a wireless device with prerecorded dog barking sounds that I could plug into an outlet in my garage and trigger with IFTTT whenever certain Z-Wave motion detection occured within my Ring Alarm.

I didn’t find such an item.

Now I’m wondering if I could use Home Assistant to do the same thing, perhaps by sending a sound file to a Google Home Mini speaker.

I’m open to any suggestions!

that should be possible. Just find an dogbark mp3 and send it to the speaker should be quiet easy.

I do something similar, but with Android tablet in one room, and with a speaker attached to the HA server in another room. I’m sending an mp3 of a train station announce ding-dong before a voice message from TTS.

Just I do not use Google speakers, so I can’t give you exact steps. But is is for sure doable :wink:


buy a lumi-gateway-v3_miio and integrate in HA : then : with an automation

ID for barking dog is 8 if i well remember…

there is a long long long thread here :

choose the MIIO version, not AQARA and V3 is easier to integrate in HA.