double check that right and it NOT THE 5G one can only be the 2.4 network
hello again! lets see if my timeout has ended
so great news! i got it up and running!
now im trying to get a dht11 shield on the board to read values. i got the code from another thread. but i changed it to dht11.
- platform: dht
pin: GPIO27 # make sure you get this correct
model: DHT22
update_interval: 15s # change this if you want faster or slower updates
name: "Master Bedroom Temperature"
- sliding_window_moving_average:
window_size: 15 # change this and the next line if you want to average more or less samples
send_every: 15
send_first_at: 1
name: "Master Bedroom Humidity"
- sliding_window_moving_average:
window_size: 15 # as above for averaging
send_every: 15
send_first_at: 1
but it says invalid pin. ive tried three others but cant seem to figure it out. do you know a way i can find out what pin to assign it?
What says “invalid pin”? Validation? Compilation? The log?
Just for clarity: so what was the solution?
The “model:” is still DHT22 in your sensor config, so try to change this to model:DHT11 (this works for me with a DHT11 and ESP01).
See: DHT Temperature+Humidity Sensor