Trouble using Pioneer VSX 920 with

I use port 8102 and connection works.
However I cannot use the volume, input selector or power switch.
It just shows the actual input…

   - platform: pioneer
 name: Pioneer AVR
 port: 8102

Does anyone know what the problem is? I run HA on Docker.
When I set it up 2 months ago directly with Hassbian at least the Power button worked for shut down. I don’t remember whether Volume worked though.

Log after reboot

17-04-09 11:12:46 WARNING (Thread-7) [homeassistant.components.emulated_hue] When targetting Google Home, listening port has to be port 80
17-04-09 11:12:50 ERROR (Thread-11) [braviarc.braviarc] [W] Exception: ('Connection aborted.', OSError(113, 'No route to host'))
17-04-09 11:12:52 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder] Ended unfinished session (id=157 from 2017-04-09 08:45:52.576769)
17-04-09 11:12:53 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of remote is taking over 10 seconds.
17-04-09 11:12:55 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of media_player is taking over 10 seconds.
17-04-09 11:12:55 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.media_player] Setup of platform pioneer is taking over 10 seconds.
17-04-09 11:12:56 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.remote] Setup of platform harmony is taking over 10 seconds.

I have the same issue. Did you find a way fixit?

No I didn’t. I use an aweful long script with vol up/down commands from my harmony remote.

I’ve found that the VSX920 (and other older models) require a couple of carriage returns to be sent before sending commands. I’ve now got a working update as a custom component, and will look at making a pull request to update the main component.


Can you give a link to your custom component?

@snowboardy I’m having similar issues with a VSX-827 so I’m as well interested in your custom component, or at least in getting more details of where such carriage returns should are expected.

Hi I build a custom component for the Pioneer VSX 529. Should be also compatible for VSX 824. Maybe it is also working for you or is a good starting point.

Sorry for delay, but I’ve now put the modified custom component on github:

I will try and do a pull request to add this fix to the official component.

thanks for doing the work, i am a complete newbie i took the files placed them in the custom components folder but get a message when i check my config

Component error: pioneervsx - Integration ‘pioneervsx’ not found.

any chance that you punt me in the right direction

Have you put it under a “media_player:” element in the config?

I’ve updated the readme example to include the “media_player:”

@snowboardy does the component support other Pioneer VSX receivers?
I’m having issues with my VSX-933 and VSX-S520D detailed in this post

Yes I’d assume so, as think they all suffer with the same issue, but I have no way of testing that.

If you give it a try, post back here and I’ll update the list of models it works for.

issue was solved using the Onkyo component, see this topic

Hi, you mention that the VSX-529 does not support “set volume”, but it does if you use the dlna component. The problem is that dlna does not support “volume state” or whatever it is called. Maybe we can combine both components to get fully working volume control for the VSX-529.

edit: i just added your component and it works paralell with the dlna component. Now it just needs some automation.

  - platform: dlna_dmr
    name: pioneer
    listen_port: 8301

Thank you for this hint! DLNA is also a good idea to set the volume. In the published code I solved the problem with a loop, which in/decrease the volume untill it reaches the “set volume”. This works quite nice for me.

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