Trouble with Configurator V3.0

Hi, is anyone else having trouble with Configurator 3.0 on After an update via the Add-on Store, I receive only an error-page and the it does not load (current version of Chrome, did not try a different browser).

Yep same issue had to role back to version 2 as I could not find any info on what has changed

me too bug on configurator 3.0 authentication with hassio 0.91.2

I can’t open it from side panel (panel iframe).

however, if i click “open web-ui” it opens and works just fine.

i just updated to version 3.0.

Is there a convenient way to roll back to version 2? I can’t view or edit any of my config settings within the configurator add-on. Also noticed that my default “container” under the network settings changed to 8080/tcp rather than 3218/tcp (see first figure for both the above problems). When I change the host to 3218 it seems that I can access it again from the side panel.

When I try to edit the config I get the following log warnings and the config clears again:

I have just updated the thread for the configurator with a small statement on what’s new. You can find it here: Simplistic configuration UI

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Can confirm this works now
thank you

Works for me as well, thanks! I seem to be having problems with my DuckDNS setup, is there a location where we now can specify ssl true/false.

I don’t know for sure, but I assume the configurator uses the same as Home Assistant, because it’s - in a way - routed through Home Assistant. So the best case scenario is, that you don’t have to do anything with the configurators settings. It will always be in sync with Home Assisant.

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I cannot seem to upload files any longer after upgrading to Configurator V3.0, and 0.91.2. Any thoughts?

Is it possible to revert to Configurator V2.0?

After updating to the latest configurator, I uninstalled and reinstalled my DuckDNS in order to generate new certificates. I then went through the entire port forwarding process again and am now able to re-access my hassio remotely. Thanks for the help!