Trying to control fan speed by temp

I think the YAML gui editor automatically removes all comments (which might be a bug or a conscious decision, I don’t known)

Here is a slightly different take on the automation:

alias: Office Fan
description: ''
  # Run on any temp change
  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.office_temperature
  # Run after off time to turn off fan
  - platform: time
    at: '18:00:01'
  # Run at the start of the window to turn on fan if temp over temp
  - platform: time
    at: '08:00:01'
  # Check if we are in the running time window
  - choose:
      # If we are w/in the running time window
      - conditions:
          - condition: time
            after: '08:00:00'
            before: '18:00:00'
              - mon
              - tue
              - wed
              - thu
              - fri
          # Check the temperature
          - choose:
              # If we are over our min temp
              - conditions:
                  - condition: numeric_state
                    entity_id: sensor.office_temperature
                    above: '75'
                  # Turn on fan to desired level based on temp
                  - service: fan.set_percentage
                    entity_id: fan.office_fan_fan
                      percentage: >
                        {% if states('sensor.office_temperature') | float >= 78
                        %} 100 {% elif states('sensor.office_temperature') |
                        float > 76 %} 77 {% elif
                        states('sensor.office_temperature') | float > 76 %} 50
                        {% else %} 25 {% endif %}
            default: # Turn off fan if we are under temp
              service: fan.turn_off
              entity_id: fan.office_fan_fan
    default: # Turn off fan if we are outside of the time window
      service: fan.turn_off
      entity_id: fan.office_fan_fan
mode: single
initial_state: true

It is the first complicated automation I’ve written, but I believe it should do the following.

Turn the fan on/off when it’s inside/outside of the time window (w/o waiting for a temp change)
Set the temp during the time window based on the temp, via the template from above.

If I am interpreting the examples above that include the time correctly, they include a condition on the time, so they won’t turn the fan off at the end of the day, just leave it at the current setting.