Trying to get Milight Wifi bridge/Limitlessled component working

I have a Milight Wifi bridge controlling a bunch of LED strips in my basement crown molding. It’s several years old, and thus far I’ve been unsuccessful in getting it to work with Home Assistant. My understanding is that I should be able to use the LimitlessLED component for this…is that right?

Right now I’ve configured the component like this, but it’s not working:

- platform: limitlessled
    - host:
        - number: 1
          name: Basement Crown LED
          type: rgbw

I can’t tell what version of the bridge I have; I’ve been searching around but while people talk about the fact that there are several different versions, I haven’t seen a way to identify them. Here’s a picture of it:

When I access it via web browser, it shows software version 4.02.10T.jcy01

Can anyone provide any guidance?

Looks like the same version I have, although the software version is quite different.

Can you try the following config?

- platform: limitlessled
    - host:
      version: 5
      port: 8899
      - number: 1
        name: Basement Crown LED
        type: rgbw
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I tried your suggestion but unfortunately no control (and no errors). I can get the color wheel to come up in the UI, but turning things on/off and changing the color setting has no effect.

That’s a pity. Maybe you can try version: 4 instead of 5. See also this post Limitlessled.

Thanks for the link, appreciate the help…I’ve tried different versions now but none work. I managed to get into the web admin UI for the bridge and it does look like it’s running on port 8899, so that part is probably right. Not sure why I can’t control it though.

Remember it defaults to the V6 bridge so try v4 and change port to 8899, you’ll see the lights turn on then off when you restart HA… Do they work fine with the milight app?

Yep, works fine in the milight app…port 8899 and v4 don’t work, nor v5 or v6. The IP address is definitely right, because I can get to the bridge’s web admin UI.

Last thing I tried:

- platform: limitlessled
    - host:
      version: 4 #Have tried all versions
      port: 8899
        - number: 1
          name: Basement Crown LED
          type: rgbw

Does this have the blue background?

It’s gray. Screenshot:

Not sure why it has that IP address under Network Setting, I’m guessing it’s a static fallback but my router assigned it via DHCP.

Can you try v3, I have both v4 and 5 bridges and neither UI looks like that one…

Okay after reverse searching your screenshot it is the v3 bridge… Hopefully it’s as easy as that!

That’s the server address so you can use the Milight app outside your network

Reverse search on the image…good idea! Unfortunately none of the versions work, I’ve tried them all. There’s no error, it just doesn’t affect any change to my LEDs.

Maybe I’ll just buy a different controller that’s known to work.

Are you sure that the “type” is correct? Currently you have rgbw, that could also be an issue? Maybe try one of the other options. I think the options are listed in the documentation for the component.

Did you ever get this working? I have the same bridge.

Nope, never did. Bought a cheap Phillips Hue-compatible LED controller instead.

For anyone else who makes it here, this is what worked for me. I’m using a “LEDENET® WiFi Bridge Controller Hub Mi Light Series” from 2015. Version 3 and port 8899.

platform: limitlessled
- host: {MiLightsBridgeIP}
port: 8899
version: 3
- number: 1
type: rgbw
name: Kitchen


could someone check my config because it says error in logs and mi light won’t show up

hers a pic I do try the ip did not work

thanks Oliver

How did you find out the version and the port?

I’m pretty sure I just tried each version number until it worked but I think it’s dependent on when you purchased it. It may say on the back what version it is but I know they are pretty lacking on documention so it wouldn’t surprise me if it doesn’t have any helpful markings on it.

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For anyone getting here now, I made the exact same bridge as in the picture work with version: 3 and port: 8899 AND restarting ha (quick reload not enough) :slight_smile: