Trying to recreate ambientweather charts using apexcharts

I’m trying to figure out a good way to handle wind direction history in apex charts.
here’s what they look like in ambientweather:

I’ve tried adding the wind direction cardinal sensor from my ambientweather weather station (the carinal direction provides the actual direction, like N, S, E, WNW, etc versus the 360-degree number) - and what I was trying to achieve was having the wind speed/gust numbers on the left of the Y axis and the cardinal lettering on the right had side, so that I could put everything in one chart, but I’m not sure it’s possible with apexcharts? Has anyone tried this yet?

No but I had thought about it and assumed it wasn’t possible. I am using windrose. I suspect it would be too much information on one chart and would drop second below wind speed. I will make this back on my to do list

it would be really neat to have the ability to make a graph like the ambient weather one, where its N E S W on the right, and then dots or a line that drifts up or down depending on which way the wind is blowing - then you could have direction and speed in the same chart!

Local web site that works for me but I can’t replicate. Yet!

yeah im kinda hoping to get these way nicer graphs to be locally, to further reduce reliance on the cloud and having an internet connection

Maybe History Explorer Card could help you.

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@Reflex Wow. Thank you. Completely missed that

oh cool! I’ll give this a look!

Okay, I’ve impleented the card and i think it does almost exactly what I want. There are a couple things i cant figure out though.

How can we use a line chart and a bar chart in the same chart? I’d love to specify max wind gust as a bar chart and have wind speed and gusts specified as lines, but when I try that it puts the bars and lines on separate charts. My objective would to have all wind data on one chart - bars for max gust, lines for everything else, and direction as the arrows. I am currently using a red line for max gust but its kind of hard to tell when it actually changes…