Trying to sum sensor state values in Template sensor

Sorry bit of a Noob…Trying to sum up 2 Google Travel time sensors into one value. My wife drops the kids off first before she heads to work so would like the time home to one location and from that location to work summed in the same template sensor.

This is what I have so far, but get errors

  • platform: template
    value_template: ‘{{ (float(states.sensor.mandry.state) + float(states.sensor.dewinton.state) + 12 ) | int }}’
    friendly_name: St. Francis

and here are the errors:

The jinja code works to display the right number, but without min after the number.

If anyone could help or a better way to do this that would be great

Take a look at this:

thanks @Emil_B I saw that earlier. going to definitely try and adapt to my setup