TTLOCK Integration with HA

Sorry for my ignorance, but where in the system logs do I find the webhook?

Hi All,

Apologies for my ignorance as well, as I presume that this solution does require a G2 or G3, if I already have the G2(wifi) paired to the lock directly (using their cloud service). Can I still integrate it with HA? or do I have to reset everything?

and with this solution, does the traffic still travels out to their cloud? or will it be local? thanks

I am very lost. The username and password are from my iOs App or from ? My username password is my email address? I donā€™t see anything else.

I red all the thread and nothing of the solutions here work for me including the HACS integretion from @jbergler . Anyone can help please! :smiley:

You need to create a user for the api, follow the api guide

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Thanks! I managed to create a new account and I transferred my lock and the gateway to this new account. Can I use this username for TTLock integration? Does the password have to be MD5? Thank you very much, because I have finally made some progress. :slight_smile:

Thank @rooot.999 for your help, I was able to configure everything, install ttlock2mqtt and get it working. Thanks to your initial instructions. But, it remains a mystery why I failed to get it working via HACS TTlock integration.

Before I delve into all this, can anyone advise me whether Iā€™ll be able to use the API along with HA to programmatically add my Airbnb guests custom passcodes (based on their phone numbers) along with timed access? I currently bring their data into HA via my booking management systemā€™s API (Smoobu). So that side of things is easy enough. I dont need app access to lock/unlock the door. Only to set timed passcodes.

The lock Iā€™m using is called an E-LOK in which the suppliers have advised me it uses TTLOK. I have my developer account with TTLOK setup and ready to go but I wouldnā€™t want to start something and lose access to the lock via my current E-LOK app as I do everything remotely via the G2 gateway.

I have two E-LOK locks. They work fine with the TTLOCK app and APIs. I have them integrated with HA but the response time isā€¦disappointing. the API is very slow to action. I havenā€™t looked at offline methods yet, as I too want to retain control using the app.

E-LOK basically whitelabels the TTLOCK app (same with Sciener). Try the app out with your same credentials IIRC, and youā€™ll see what I mean.

Thanks. Iā€™m not concerned about response time as Iā€™m only looking to add passcodes programmatically. But I dont want to do anything that will make me lose access via the Elok app either. Though I suppose it would be easy enough to factory reset and re-initiate if there were any issues.

Edit: Oh I see now what you mean by the app being white labelled. Its basically the same so wouldnt matter if I lose access via the elok app

Integrating with HA in the way described in this thread (i.e. online) will NOT remove any access you have through the E-LOK or TTLOCK or Sciener apps. Youā€™re save; have a play.

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Hey. Iā€™m currently having issues trying to use the API for adding passcodes. Iā€™ve already added the new API user that is abcd_sampleuser type and getting permission denied as it seems I dont have admin rights under my account, so looks like I need to transfer the lock in app to do this as you show but it worries me that Iā€™ll lose access to the functions via the app in case I have problems issuing passcodes via the app. Its a big problem for me if I lose access since its for an Airbnb in which I issue guests custom passcodes. Is this the ony way to apply admin access that you know of?

It must be possible to issue passcodes via the normal user since the HACS integration is able to unlock the door under tthis one.

Hello, xbecomingx I am getting JavaScript error when trying to create the new TTLock user with the curl command. Can you please provide more details how you were able to get it to work?

(I am using YARC Curl extension on chrome to send the request and JavaScript is enabled on the browser).

Thank you

Hello, may I ask how to connect TTLock to home assistant? Looking forward to replyļ¼

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Is this still a working integration?
I found a tt lock on AliExpress for just 42,- eu and found that really cheap

I just got a ttlock for my dad. Gonna the this. As he wants auto unlock
Keen to see if itā€™s worth the effort

Hi. Could you or someone else show yours ttlock2mqtt configuration, I have everything done, but I donā€™t see the lock in HA, maybe Iā€™m setting something wrong.

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Same for me, it just doesnā€™t show in the ttlock integration

Did you get it to work?

Did you get it to work ?

i only just got the gateway will update you in a week or so