Ttlock support

@kind3r your integration works beautifully, thank you! Is there any way to trigger automations when the lock is opened? I could not find any related entities or events. Much appreciated!

hey guys is this still working before i attempt it?

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i got it to work a few weeks ago !!!

Thanks man I’ll give it a try, I know it’s going to go wrong I can’t wait haha

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Could someone please make a easy guide?


Definite need to expose TTLOCKs on my Lovelace Dashboard. But I’m a novice and I’m lost at step #1. Anyone working on a custom integration?

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Hiya, I have a quick question about this, a novice one. I purchased simpled smartlock which is based on TTLOCK. it’s bluetooth based and they sell a gateway that will then allow this to be link to my network. However, I’m just wondering if it’s possible to use bluetooth proxy (ESP32) to connect to this? Thanks

I spent the weekend starting on implementing this via a custom integration to try and simplify this whole setup.

Got the basics working as start, my next plan is to integrate the webhooks for realtime notifications for lock/unlock events.

If you try it out, I’d love to hear from you!

Hi Sthope,

it still using cloud?