Is it possible to output voice from an Home Assistant automation to such a satellite device The voice satellite does not show up as a media_player in HA and I did not find any suitable service.
If that’s not possible can a media player be added to the raspberry pi via a docker image or python package that runs in parallel to the satellite?
I am currently experimenting with a RPi4 that is running both the HomeAssistant Satellite and VLC as a remote media player with the Telnet interface and vlc_telnet integration. On the RPi the Docker container is running ‘as a service’ and then to start the VLC player;
Then add the VLC_Telnet integration in HA with appropriate details (host, password, etc)
They both seem to work together… more or less…
I can play music from my NAS, or TTS from HA to VLC running on the satellite, with HA-Satellite running in Docker on the same Pi at the same time.
Issues thus far;
If I play TTS from the HA media panel while music is playing, the music does not resume after.
VLC currently not running as a service, and when I logged into the Pi this morning to restart VLC, it insisted on using the wrong audio output… worked fine yesterday… had to restart the Pi to resolve.
With music playing, the wakeword detection works, but the music does not get overridden, so the STT does not work very well, I need to play with the PulseAudio stuff, but that is not currently working in the docker container.
Thank you for your reply. In the meantime I found out that MPD is also an option. I installed it in parallel to satellite on my pi and it works fine.