Tumblevd T-METER Wireless Smart Oil Tank Meter

Has anyone used this product or know if it can be used in home assistant. It does connect to wifi so I was curious if anyone owned it and was able to get anything into home assistant over the wifi connection.

Amazon link:
Tumblevd T-METER Wireless Smart Oil Tank Meter

You will have to search around to see if anyone has done it. Most likely niche products like this will require to write your own integration (not impossible, but takes some work to reverse engineer the cloud API). Also, if the company goes belly up and their server stops working, you are out of luck.

From looking at similar devices on amazon, I think it is really just an ultrasonic range sensor. I use one for my sump, but it is not flammable oil!

You could probably use the waterproof version of the sensor and make a mount. If you use EPSHome it will integrate simply into home assistant. Reliable battery power is tough to do on your own, but if you have power close, will cost you like $15 ($10 sensor, $5 esp D1 mini) to make your own. Something like this:


I also have a T-Meter by Tumblevd.

Have you been able to figure out how to the data into HA?
