Turn an ESP8266 WemosD1Mini into an audio notifier for Home Assistant: Play MP3, TTS & RTTL

Hi thanks for this great project ! I’ve made some little modifications on it :

  • Ported to platformio
  • Can be compiled for ESP8266 and ESP32
  • Google Translate TTS added (so a little less “cloudless” but multilingual and better voice than the included ESP8266SAM)
  • This code also allows to switch easily between no DAC (version used by mr DIY) , external DAC or internal DAC (for ESP32).
  • You’ll also find some useful comments for wiring your DAC quickly or to improve the code.
  • Support AAC playback (and may be flac) which is useful for online radio :wink:

I still have some bugs related to the compatibility with of the ESP8266Audio library (these bugs are described in the github’s readme, help is welcome :wink: )

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