Tutorial for new Custom State Card UI?

Tried it with a light now as well, to be sure to have a “on/off” state to trigger on, same problem here, the badge is still visible when the main entity is off.

      friendly_name: Uterummet
      show_last_changed: true
        - entity_id: sensor.dishwasher_power_energy
          blacklist_states: 'off'


So thats why I’m wondering what state it is that’s enabeling the “blacklist” or am I missing something else to get this working.

No, the badge doesn’t say Avstangd, it says 4.42 . If you blacklist 4.42 it will disappear.

I think you’re confusing yourself because you’re blacklisting states for one sensor, but displaying a different sensor in the badges.

Oooh, must have made some typeo when i tried it before, works like a charm now! Thanks for all the help mf_social!

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Can someone give a good example of how to create a state card for some sensors that pull alot of data… i have some created for my projector and it gives error info lamp hours and projector status… id like to make these sensors show up in a card all together instead of in the little circles up top.

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Hate to resurrect an old thread, but I am trying everything I can think of to get the dimming slider working and have had no luck.


  custom_ui: local
    - node_id
    - value_index


  custom_ui_state_card: state-card-custom-ui
  icon: mdi:lightbulb
    max: 255
    min: 10
    off_when_min: false
    pin: true
    report_when_not_changed: false
  state_card_mode: break-slider-toggle

I have the state-card-custom-ui.html in my local/www/custom_ui directory. I have custom colors based on brightness level working, so I know I’m getting good communication with the customizer somewhere…But I just cannot get this slider to appear no matter what I do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Same here. It actually seems to be showing up OK using the “normal” UI (aka not lovelace) but it doesn;t show up when using lovelace. Is this expected?