Tuya "core" really slow to respond..HA 77.3 on RPI3 / HASSOS - Any Pointers?

I didn’t do bulbs. Only a switch.

ok. for anyone wanting to control a group of lights efficiently and effectively then set an off and on scene that activates and deactivates all lights in a tuya group from within the tuya app. call the force update service in ha and that fixes the issues at least for me.


Tuya is slow … but I have found something, perhaps it will be great for devs …


Available area protocol domain name Data security level Service Area
AY http/https/mqtt *.tuyacn.com HTTPS+AES Asia
AZ http/https/mqtt *.tuyaus.com HTTPS+AES America
EU http/https/mqtt *.tuyaeu.com HTTPS+AES Europe

for me tuyacn.com is really really slow … tuyaeu is little bit better (I’m in EU) … tuyaus.com is speed (aws powered)

Tested with an account in US, but the api seems not use tuyaus ;-( …

You idea is great and for sure is the way to do it … unfortunately it prevent you from controlling color and brightness … One similar thing that could work is to edit the Tuya integration to allow Tuya group

Hello all,

I still pretty new to home automation, and just started playing with Home Assistant yesterday. I am also having issues with Home Assistant and a delay with Smart Life device states when switching from on to off etc. There is a 5-30 second delay which is bothersome for automatons. If I switch the devices manually in HA the response is much faster, borderline instant even in automatons. My thought is, if it’s possible, to write a looping script for HA to run the “force_update” command every second or two to hopefully increase the response rate of device states in HA. I am going to start working on it but I have about 0 experience in doing something like this.
Thoughts and feedback appreciated.

Ok so the method worked, took me longer than I would like to admit to figure out the loop, but with it running latency issues are resolved and within reasonable range. This should work for anyone else as well, I would just monitor your device performance to make sure it doesn’t take too hard of a hit.

  alias: Tuya Update
  - data: {}
    service: tuya.force_update
  - delay: 00:00:01
  - service: script.1564611280273
  alias: Update Loop
  - alias: ''
    data: {}
    service: tuya.force_update
  - delay: 00:00:01
  - service: script.1564610920918
1 Like

thanks i’d rather have wuick control of on and off for now. I don’t change color much unless to annoy my family. Groups would be great but this is a limitation on the python dependency tuyaha and as you can see here it does not have functionality for groups:

However, thankfully, HA has now implemented a new version of tuyaha just in the last day so we should see much better performance for tuya and hopefully that bleeds into group control.

did you ever get to fix this? i have the exact same issues, worked fine in the intial days, now theres a delay of about 30 seconds.

Hi, so where does this go, do i have to change any values in this to match my devices?

Hi all! Anyone any further on this? Just bought and Australian Brilliant Smart mech switch which works quite well… The responsiveness from HA when turning on/off is ok, about 1-2 seconds. But when I manually push the button, the state change can take 10-20 seconds. I would implement the force.update as per @ctech13’s suggestion, however, I am not keen on having a script run every 1 second on HA or the corresponding network usage.

I will at some time convert to tasmota however I am looking for cloud control atm (specific use case).

Thanks all.

Local Control possible???