Tuya Mini Antela smart Plug Power monitoring

Just purchased Antela (Smart Life APP) smart plug with PM . Is it possible toadd these into the energy app? Has one had any experience with Antela Mini Smart Plugs in HA.


Same problem here… could the config for another smart plug be reused here? Is the Antela plug Tasmota flashable?

ok now… it’s not so hard: you can activate the current and voltage sensors on the Antela plug in your dashboard when you select the device view and click on the respective sensors, see screenshots attached where I tried this for the Current sensor, after enabling the Sensor you can add a dashboard card for it… that shows the current Current for the device:

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p.s.: for getting the (accumulated) power consumption, I suppose this thread could be useful Added Tuya smart plugs - where is the energy monitoring? - #7 by retel (For me, I just wanted to see whether the device on the plug is consuming power or not, so thee Current sensor is enough for me…)

Thanks for your response, but on Home Assistant Core i don’t seem to find the screen you posted. Can you please show the path to configure this?
this is my device view:

P.s. which tuya integration are you using?

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I have the same problem.

Same view here too…

Has anyone any news ? I cant find these Sensors either and they arent disabled either

Settings - Devices - On the Tuya integration, click on the devices link - Click on the desired device - On Sensor click on +3 entities not show - Click on each sensor (Current, Power and >Voltage) and enable it.


thank you very much this helped me very much!
