@Oleok @zlinoliver I’ve been trying to use this integration for hours with no success. I bought myself a portable AC unit which uses tuya, it works with Tuya Smart app. Made a tuya-iot account, created a paas project, paired my tuya account to it, i can see the device listed on the project as well. Then i startup the integration, put all the data in - and all I get is “Invalid authentication”. Both my tuya and tuya-iot accounts use the same username and password, both are in the USA. I have no idea what’s wrong, but I would very much like to make it work. Do I contact devops or what? I see on github I’m not the only one with this problem, but there’s absolutely no debugging data to be seen
After some wrestling i managed to get some debugging info out
TuyaConfigFlow.async_step_user start, is_import= None
TuyaConfigFlow.async_step_user start, is_import= {'password': 'CENSORED', 'endpoint': 'https://openapi.tuyaus.com', 'access_id': 'CENSORED', 'access_secret': 'CENSORED', 'tuya_app_type': 'tuyaSmart', 'country_code': '1', 'username': 'CENSORED}
TuyaConfigFlow._try_login start, user_input: {'password': 'CENSORED', 'endpoint': 'https://openapi.tuyaus.com', 'access_id': 'CENSORED', 'access_secret': 'CENSORED', 'tuya_app_type': 'tuyaSmart', 'country_code': '1', 'username': 'CENSORED', 'tuya_project_type': 0}
[tuya-openapi] Request: method = POST, url = https://openapi.tuyaus.com/v1.0/iot-01/associated-users/actions/authorized-login, params = None, body = {'username': 'CENSORED', 'password': 'CENSORED', 'country_code': '1', 'schema': 'tuyaSmart'}, headers = {'client_id': 'CENSORED', 'sign': '970A1A2A605618C9C24011301CA5C22B472B36F61105512173734BDF94EA7898', 'sign_method': 'HMAC-SHA256', 'access_token': '', 't': '1624477851121', 'lang': 'en', 'dev_lang': 'python', 'dev_version': '0.2.2', 'dev_channel': 'hass'}
[tuya-openapi] Response: {
"code": 2406,
"msg": "skill id invalid",
"success": false,
"t": 1624477851701