Tuya Smart Knob (not supported)

For the Knob, I have single action and double action, that is one click or double click.

I don’t have the Ikea device, but find it here Zigbee2MQTT and the docs will tell you what it is meant to have.

Oh and don’t forget that most remote control devices have 2 modes. The Knob has “event” and “command”.

I haven’t had much time to work out what all those actions do, and what the difference is between event and command mode.

Everything’s work fine with Ikea devices

But for the knob i don’'t know why i have only single action

Any way, thank you very much for your help

Is it in event mode or command mode ?

Event mode,

To change the mode : You need to press 3 time, it will change the mode to Command and vice versa

Also here the actions can be used in Event mode

  - platform: mqtt
    topic: zigbee2mqtt/**[u]knob_1(friendlyname of device)[/u]**/action
    payload: single/double/rotate_left/rotate_right

In the Command Mode :

  - platform: mqtt
    topic: zigbee2mqtt/**[u]knob_1(friendlyname of device)[/u]**/action
    payload: brightness_step_up/brightness_step_down/color_temperature_step_up/color_temperature_step_down/

Thank you a lot for your helo

Well in event mode I get “single action” and “double action”, which is single press and double press. (I mean as well as left and right rotate). Looks like you get double too.

Can someone pls help me. I have z2mqtt but i got error below. It says unsupported. What do i need to do next?

Zigbee2MQTT:warn  2023-11-29 19:05:03: Please see: https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/how_tos/how_to_support_new_devices.html.
Zigbee2MQTT:warn  2023-11-29 19:05:18: Received message from unsupported device with Zigbee model 'TS004F' and manufacturer name '_TZ3000_qja6nq5z'
Zigbee2MQTT:warn  2023-11-29 19:05:18: Please see: https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/how_tos/how_to_support_new_devices.html.

Different device. However it is definitely supported

What version of z2m are you running?

I have now updated z2m to the latest version and is now supported. But can i use this blueprints with z2m? by device it found no device i can select.

Which blueprint?

At the first message but i have fixed to make autmations manually and it works perfect now.