Tuya/Smart Life Door Locks

Hi! I’ve seen you reply to a few messages with this while I try to work out if HA could solve my problems.

I have a Blusafe Origin (door lock) which uses Bluetooth (not sure if it’s BLE - can I tell somehow?). It is connected to the Tuya app along with a Gateway which I bought from the same company (it looks like a stock tuya gateway).

At the moment scenes don’t work within Tuya (not sure why), but I can unlock it within the app by holding down on the unlock.

With this integration, I think I’d need to delete the lock and gateway from tuya (and the gateway becomes pointless). Then have HA act as the Gateway with this integration?

With this integration can you add fingerprints and cards?

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Hi Phil,
sorry for late reply, so yes according to integration you supposed to unbind your device from tuya bluetooth gateway but still leave it in the tuya/smartlife app’s device list.
so the point or benefit of adding the lock to HA is that to run automations and see logs and it being controlled locally.
to add your cards and fingerprints and passwords im pretty sure you have to still use tuya/smartlife app.

although i could not still manage to use tuya ble integration properly,
there’s been a couple of new version since last time i tried, im going to try it again, you have a look at the original integration code page here:

Integrating them with Home Assistant could be a cool move, especially if your other Tuya devices are playing nice.Given your experience with flawless Tuya device connections, the odds are good that the locking mechanism could work smoothly too. Focusing solely on the locking action makes things simpler, and I’m all for keeping things hassle-free.By the way, speaking of doors, I’m knee-deep in house renovation plans. Came across these French doors at https://doorsdirect2u.co.uk/product-category/french-dоors/ that might interest you too. I’m just sharing some inspiration, no strings attached.

Has anyone got this lock and connected to HA?


Im confused with how this works and the steps?? did you have any luck?

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Hi Phil,

Did you get this working?

I was able to add it, but i had no controls over it

I made a virtual switch in smart life via their iot development website. Then made the switch unlock the door via a smart scene. Then I used a helper in home assistant to disguise the switch as a lock. After that I was able to add it to Google Home via home assistant with a pin and everything. I hid the virtual switch in another home in Google home so nobody can see it but me and I locked up smart life.