TUYA TS0601 Zigbee garage door opener


An update since my previous post: I was able to rework the cover definition and now:

  • The garage icon is correctly updated if the garage door is opened/closed
  • The up arrow (respectively down) is greyed out if the garage door is already up (respectively down)

And wether I open/close the garage door with the HA application or the IR remote controler, the garage door state is always correctly reflected on the app.

So now everything works as expected, it’s almost perfect.

The only thing I am unable to do is display the status below the card name (Open/Closed) just like @alexeiw123 did: I’ll try the mushroom card.

Below is my cover definition:

  - platform: template
        device_class: garage
        friendly_name: "Porte Garage"
          - condition: state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.porte_garage_ouverture
            state: 'off'
          - service: switch.turn_on
              entity_id: switch.porte_garage_commutateur
          - condition: state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.porte_garage_ouverture
            state: 'on'
          - service: switch.turn_off
              entity_id: switch.porte_garage_commutateur
          service: switch.turn_on
            entity_id: switch.porte_garage_commutateur
        icon_template: >-
          {% if is_state('binary_sensor.porte_garage_ouverture', 'on') %}
          {% elif is_state('binary_sensor.porte_garage_ouverture', 'off') %}
          {% endif %}
        value_template: >-
          {% if is_state('binary_sensor.porte_garage_ouverture', 'on') %}
          {% elif is_state('binary_sensor.porte_garage_ouverture', 'off') %}
          {% endif %}

That’s just the mushroom cover card showing the state where as whatever cars you’re using doesn’t. Your cover entity should show Open or Closed as it’s state in developer tools > states.

Hello @alexeiw123,

That was it! I didn’t use mushroom cards but rather a tile card into which I selected my cover: now I can see the state displayed.


I’m new to HA and learning while trying, but I still have a lot to understand :sweat_smile:

Thanks for your help!


One last quick update: using HACS and card-mod and with the help of the French community, I was able to make the garage door icon color dynamic depending on the cover state.

For example when the garage door is closed:


Here is the tile card YAML code:

  - type: cover-open-close
type: tile
entity: cover.garage_door
  style: |
    ha-tile-icon {
      {% if is_state(config.entity, 'open') %}
      --tile-icon-color: red !important;
      {% else %}
      --tile-icon-color: limegreen !important;
      {% endif %}

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Hello @alexeiw123,

Sorry to bother you again with this topic but I think I am now facing a similar issue as the one you had with the device (while it worked well for a week or so).

Now the sensor is always going back to the on state whatever the real state of the garage door, which in turn triggers the Open state of the cover.

So I am always seeing my garage door opened even though it is not.

I’ve tried to manually set the sensor state back to off in the Developer Tools > States tab but after a random period of time (in seconds: between 10 seconds and a minute) it’s always going back to on.

I’ve set up automations that write the state in the logs and I can see it changing back every time (last 4 lines):

Were you observing the same behaviour?

I also had problems with the status of the door contact sensor and moved to another 3rd party device sensor which I then added that to the cover template, also see my earlier posts from last year.

Hello @balu79, thanks for your feedback!

By any chance, do you remember which 3rd party sensor you ordered?

I’m using the Aqara Door & Window sensor (MCCGQ11LM), but any contact sensor which integrates with ZHA should be good. To be clear, I use Home Assistant to integrate the Tuya garage door opener and the Aqara sensor (e.g. via a template sensor), but they don’t integrate directly with each other (you can’t see the status of the sensor within the device page of the garage door opener). So it’s just a workaround basically.

I didn’t see this behaviour sorry, and I don’t know enough about ZHA to be of help troubleshooting it.

@balu79 : I have an Ajax security system deployed at home with a dedicated sensor on the garage door and a plugin is apparently under development to integrate it to HA. If that’s the case, I might be able to reuse this sensor then :bulb:

@alexeiw123 : no problem at all, thanks anyway for all your help! :grinning:

Hello Julien,

I have the same garage door opener model as you and it seems that I’m facing the same issue.

Do you confirm you also have no update of the opening sensor? I can see the sensor in my Zigbee devices, but it’s not getting updated (always closed status).

It used to be working before but stopped working a few weeks ago and I can’t find the reason. Please let me know if you find a solution…

Hello, i have _TZE200_nklqjk62. I try to add custom zhaquirks in /config as you describe, and modify configuration.yaml, but the device is recognize as you first picture.
I m surprise i have the same picture (t try with and without custom,same result).
The problem is that i have no sensor.

what is wrong? thanks you

I tried everything I saw on the forums, but none of it worked. I can get the Switch control and the Sensor, but they don’t work. The logs say that the garage door opens and closes, but nothing happens. My device is _TZE200_wfxuhoea TS0601. After all this time, there should already have been a direct integration in ZHA.