Two different versions of Z2m on the same server

Check please

version: 4
  enabled: true
    - 79
    - 7
    - 169
    - 182
    - 61
    - 190
    - 212
    - 112
    - 209
    - 247
    - 136
    - 230
    - 246
    - 213
    - 232
    - 71
  pan_id: 6540
    - 150
    - 247
    - 164
    - 91
    - 90
    - 229
    - 234
    - 9
  server: mqtt://core-mosquitto:1883
  user: addons
  password: aS4phah1aebuG1johbei6gaegofohchaeb8VohXee3jei6quahyi6ieva1uC9Jak
  port: tcp://
  enabled: true
  port: 8099

Remove the mqtt: from the add-on config and move the other lines back so it looks like the serial format.

I’m answering from a phone so can’t type it all out for you :+1:

Specify adapter type in the file.

  port: tcp://
  adapter: zstack

I changed Here is a photo Nothing changed The error is the same

Did you fix the incorrect mqtt entry in the add-on config?

It won’t work until you do - remove the mqtt:

Check please

That looks better

The result is the same

OK, so it’s saying it can’t talk to your adapter. Is it flashed as a coordinator or a router?