Two Home Assistant Instances on same network over HTTPS and DuckDNS

How can I use my second HA instance with https?
The first instance has https, but how can I add a second, because I can only set port 80 and 443 one time in my router.

If you aren’t into advanced networking, tread lightly. This should be technically possible following a similar path as this post…


Very non standard, you need an above average knowledge of networking and unless you Absolutely need access to the second configuration out of the firewalli wouldn’t do it…

(is it dev/test, VPN in and hit it from its real name behind the firewall)

Why do you have 2 HA instances? Can you just combine both using mqtt or api and display both using in one of the 2 UI?

I would use a reverse proxy like Nginx if both needed to be exposed.

Indeed, a reverse proxy is needed.

Eg. In my case, today is the last Wednesday of the month, so tomorrow I’m going to install 2023.11.0b0 on my test-HA (the beta always arrives late, so I do it the day after)

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So forward other ports, you’ve got 65,535 to pick from. For instance, if you forward 12345 to the second HA then you’d connect with

The only problem comes if you’re not yet using DNS-01 validation for LetsEncrypt, but DuckDNS supports that so you should be using it.


Oh, and I should have said that you can always use just one port if you’re using reverse proxy server.

With Traefik, or NGINX, or Caddy, or … just about anything, you can forward 443 to the proxy, and have it forward the connection based on the hostname. That’s how I expose many services at home. The only potentially fiddly bit is SSL certificates (unless you use Traefik where that’ll handle it all for you), but again that would be handled on the proxy host.

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