tydom2MQTT addon :D - Delta Dore Tydom to MQTT Broker

@CyrilP I have installed the update, but I still have an incoherence between the cover position and the related position sensor. The cover is OK, but not the sensor.

And the temperature linked with the alarm is not updated at all (but the temperature sensor attached to the Tywatt is updated correctly)



My cover position and sensor are in sync. I don’t know what’s wrong with yours

Amazing @fransiouz, could you push a PR to my repo please ? (just drop your files after test against latest version to do so), thank you !

thank’s for you because my store are good pilote


It seems like the current version (1.01) provides support for conso. Thx to @WiwiWillou.
However, I can’t manage to get any data from the tydom about consumption :frowning:

Is Anybody successful and get conso data from the add-on ?

Updated with all your changes, thanks !

Big update 1.1, with new websockets library.

Please test guys :smiley:

I have tested1.1. Everything is OK on my side (except conso, but that’s another story…).
Good job,

@fransiouz why did you remove the data refresh on homeassistant startup ?

I have managed to get it working with node-tydom-client :slight_smile:
This issue was with device-id and endpoint-id : for alarm device-id <> endpoint-id.
You can find them in tydom_output.

You can try with the simple example on node-tydom-client webpage with your id’s :

await client.put(/devices/${4251002}/endpoints/${14}/data, [
name: ‘alarmCmd’,
value: ‘ON’,
pwd: ‘xxxx’

This is a first step to get it works.

I’m just wondering how to integrate this change in tydom2MQTT ? If someone has an idea ?
In tydomConnector.py ligne 189+ I’m not sure that endpoint_id is used ?

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Thanks for the reply.
I can’t find the endpoint-id in the tydom_output. To be more precise, It seems the device-id AND the endpoint-id are the same ?
Here I have that :

"id": 1581359409,
"error": 0,
"data": [
"name": "alarmMode",
"validity": "upToDate",
"value": "OFF"
"name": "alarmState",
"validity": "upToDate",
"value": "OFF"
"name": "alarmTechnical",
"validity": "upToDate",
"value": false
"name": "alarmSOS",
"validity": "expired",
"value": false
"name": "unitBatteryDefect",
"validity": "upToDate",
"value": true
"name": "unitAutoProtect",
"validity": "upToDate",
"value": false
"name": "unitInternalDefect",
"validity": "upToDate",
"value": false
"name": "systAlarmDefect",
"validity": "upToDate",
"value": true
"name": "systAutoProtect",
"validity": "upToDate",
"value": false
"name": "systBatteryDefect",
"validity": "upToDate",
"value": true
"name": "systSupervisionDefect",
"validity": "upToDate",
"value": true
"name": "systOpenIssue",
"validity": "upToDate",
"value": false
"name": "systSectorDefect",
"validity": "upToDate",
"value": false
"name": "systTechnicalDefect",
"validity": "upToDate",
"value": false
"name": "outTemperature",
"validity": "upToDate",
"value": null
"name": "part1State",
"validity": "upToDate",
"value": "OFF"
"name": "part2State",
"validity": "upToDate",
"value": "OFF"
"name": "part3State",
"validity": "upToDate",
"value": "OFF"
"name": "part4State",
"validity": "upToDate",
"value": "OFF"

Device-id : 1581359409
Endpoint-id : 1581359409

Am I missing something ?

do you get the tydom_output.json as explained here GitHub - mgcrea/node-tydom-client: Easily manage Tydom hardware by Delta Dore from Node.js ?

in this file you have in the first lines “endpoints” where you will find the corresponding device id.


        "id_endpoint": 1581359409,
        "first_usage": "alarm",
        "id_device": 1581359409,
        "name": "Alarme",
        "anticipation_start": false,
        "picto": "picto_alarm",
        "last_usage": "alarm"

They seem to be the same

Well… really strange !

It means there is something different depending on the type of alarm used (I have a CSX40) or configuration (?).

But at the end no matter because in your case (device id = endpoint id) you can’t arm the alarm. The same goes for me with device id <> endpoint id.

I guess we need perhaps some help from @fransiouz who should understand this better than us :slight_smile: If you are listening to us ? :wink:

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Hi Cyril,
Don’t know what you are talking about ? :thinking:
But please tell me if I did a mistake

Hi @WiwiWillou,
Sorry, away for a long time…
I saw you have merged with my changes perfectly !! Do I need to do something else ?

See u !

you removed the code to refresh all the data when Home Assistant sends a message to tell it is starting. but WiwiWillou reverted the change and it’s ok now, no worry

There is an error in alarm control panel for the code ARM required.
The condition is wrong. I just send a pull request.
Can you adjust it ?

In case anyone is interested, I found a fork of tydom2mqtt with the climate support: https://github.com/gus8313/tydom2mqtt/commits/master
How about adding this to the main repo @WiwiWillou so everyone can benefit from it :slight_smile: ?

Anyone can do a PR and I will happily merge it ! That repo 26 commits behind ! I don’t have time and hardware to test !

I will try it this month thank you !