tydom2MQTT addon :D - Delta Dore Tydom to MQTT Broker

Sorry for this image …

Yes I restart it several times.

Thx for this thread, I find the solution.


For those having the same issue, switching from your Tydom local IP address to mediation.tydom.com seems to do the trick.

Hello everyone,

I installed the Tydom2MQTT system a few days ago and since then I have a problem with my Tydom 2.0 box, which is blocked and goes to red light, ie it has no IP address.

This happens only since I installed the add-on…

I tried to change it to a fixed IP, by pressing the T3 button inside the box for 3 seconds but it stays in DHCP mode and does not change to a fixed IP.

I get stuck and have to reboot it once or twice a day to get it to work.

Does anyone have this problem or a possible solution for my problem.

Thanks for your help!

Hello there !
Quick question, does this addon is compatible with the new Delta Dore Tydom Home ? Looks like the Tydom 1.0 but with new design and Zigbee support.
As it’s the new gateway for Delta Dore, I’d like to buy it instead of the “old” one, but as I want an HA integration as mandatory, i’m asking here :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot !

1 Like

Hello all.

I have my Delta Dore shutters as well as light actuators running smoothly for 3 weeks now.
Thank you, thank you all who have made this possible. Now I can part with my Lifedomus box.
I have a Tydom 2.0 with a Tyxal+ alarm system.
The 25 windows are equipped with Rollia motors as well as window opening sensors.
Furthermore I have more door sensors.
I can see these in the log of the addon tydom2mqtt with status false/tru as binary sensors. But in the HA everything is shown as unknown. How can I use the information from the addon log.
Can anyone help me on this.


I’m trying to install tydom2MQTT using the hass.io addon. After installing i’m going to the config section, and setting my MQTT IP adress ( and other stuff.
Starting the addon, it could not connect to my MQTT server :

2022-08-02 10:17:07,422 - __main__ - INFO - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2022-08-02 10:17:07,423 - __main__ - INFO - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2022-08-02 10:17:07,423 - __main__ - INFO - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2022-08-02 10:17:07,423 - __main__ - INFO - STARTING TYDOM2MQTT
2022-08-02 10:17:07,423 - __main__ - INFO - Detecting environnement......
2022-08-02 10:17:07,423 - __main__ - INFO - /data/options.json detected ! Hassio Addons Environnement : parsing options.json....
2022-08-02 10:17:07,423 - __main__ - ERROR - Parsing error 'TYDOM_ALARM_PIN'
2022-08-02 10:17:07,424 - tydomConnector - INFO - Initialising TydomClient Class
2022-08-02 10:17:07,424 - tydomConnector - INFO - Setting local mode context.
2022-08-02 10:17:07,426 - __main__ - INFO - Starting main loop_task
/app/main.py:141: DeprecationWarning: There is no current event loop
  loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
2022-08-02 10:17:07,428 - mqtt_client - INFO - """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
2022-08-02 10:17:07,428 - mqtt_client - INFO - Attempting MQTT connection...
2022-08-02 10:17:07,428 - mqtt_client - INFO - MQTT host : localhost
2022-08-02 10:17:07,428 - mqtt_client - INFO - MQTT user : 
2022-08-02 10:17:07,436 - mqtt_client - INFO - MQTT connection Error : Multiple exceptions: [Errno 111] Connect call failed ('', 1883), [Errno 99] Address not available
2022-08-02 10:17:07,436 - mqtt_client - INFO - MQTT error, restarting in 8s...

It seems that it does not use the IP address given in the config ?


Ok so, you NEED to set up TYDOM_ALARM_PIN with any value or the parsing of the config file failed and thus settings are ignored.

I don’t get it, it seems that the addon starts successfully

2022-08-02 10:38:48,232 - __main__ - INFO - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2022-08-02 10:38:48,234 - __main__ - INFO - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2022-08-02 10:38:48,235 - __main__ - INFO - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2022-08-02 10:38:48,237 - __main__ - INFO - STARTING TYDOM2MQTT
2022-08-02 10:38:48,238 - __main__ - INFO - Detecting environnement......
2022-08-02 10:38:48,239 - __main__ - INFO - /data/options.json detected ! Hassio Addons Environnement : parsing options.json....
2022-08-02 10:38:48,240 - tydomConnector - INFO - Initialising TydomClient Class
2022-08-02 10:38:48,241 - tydomConnector - INFO - Setting local mode context.
2022-08-02 10:38:48,254 - __main__ - INFO - Starting main loop_task
/app/main.py:141: DeprecationWarning: There is no current event loop
  loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
2022-08-02 10:38:48,264 - mqtt_client - INFO - """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
2022-08-02 10:38:48,265 - mqtt_client - INFO - Attempting MQTT connection...
2022-08-02 10:38:48,268 - mqtt_client - INFO - MQTT host :
2022-08-02 10:38:48,270 - mqtt_client - INFO - MQTT user : mqtt
2022-08-02 10:38:48,282 - gmqtt.mqtt.protocol - INFO - [CONNECTION MADE]
2022-08-02 10:38:48,287 - mqtt_client - INFO - ##################################
2022-08-02 10:38:48,289 - mqtt_client - INFO - Subscribing to : +/tydom/#
2022-08-02 10:38:48,292 - gmqtt.mqtt.package - INFO - [SEND SUB] 1 [b'homeassistant/status']
2022-08-02 10:38:48,295 - gmqtt.mqtt.package - INFO - [SEND SUB] 2 [b'+/tydom/#']
2022-08-02 10:38:48,299 - tydomConnector - INFO - """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
2022-08-02 10:38:48,300 - tydomConnector - INFO - TYDOM WEBSOCKET CONNECTION INITIALISING....                     
2022-08-02 10:38:48,301 - tydomConnector - INFO - Building headers, getting 1st handshake and authentication....
2022-08-02 10:38:50,762 - tydomConnector - INFO - Upgrading http connection to websocket....
2022-08-02 10:38:50,763 - tydomConnector - INFO - Attempting websocket connection with tydom hub.......................
2022-08-02 10:38:50,764 - tydomConnector - INFO - Host Target :
2022-08-02 10:38:50,939 - gmqtt.mqtt.handler - INFO - [SUBACK] 1 (0,)
2022-08-02 10:38:50,940 - gmqtt.mqtt.handler - INFO - [SUBACK] 2 (0,)
2022-08-02 10:38:53,367 - __main__ - INFO - Tydom Client is connected to websocket and ready !
2022-08-02 10:38:53,367 - tydomConnector - INFO - Requesting 1st data...
2022-08-02 10:38:53,367 - tydomConnector - INFO - >>>>>>>>>> Sending to tydom client..... GET /info
2022-08-02 10:38:53,368 - tydomConnector - INFO - ##################################
2022-08-02 10:38:53,369 - tydomConnector - INFO - ##################################
2022-08-02 10:38:53,369 - tydomConnector - INFO - >>>>>>>>>> Sending to tydom client..... POST /refresh/all
2022-08-02 10:38:53,370 - tydomConnector - INFO - >>>>>>>>>> Sending to tydom client..... GET /configs/file
2022-08-02 10:38:53,371 - tydomConnector - INFO - >>>>>>>>>> Sending to tydom client..... GET /devices/cmeta
2022-08-02 10:38:58,373 - tydomConnector - INFO - >>>>>>>>>> Sending to tydom client..... GET /devices/data
2022-08-02 10:38:58,378 - tydomMessagehandler - INFO - Incoming data parsed successfully !
2022-08-02 10:38:58,382 - tydomMessagehandler - INFO - Configuration updated
2022-08-02 10:38:58,382 - tydomMessagehandler - INFO - Incoming data parsed successfully !
2022-08-02 10:38:58,386 - tydomMessagehandler - INFO - Metadata configuration updated
2022-08-02 10:38:58,386 - tydomMessagehandler - INFO - Incoming data parsed successfully !
2022-08-02 10:38:58,402 - sensors - INFO - Sensor created / updated : device_id_tydom__Jardin_d'hivers 1658666448
2022-08-02 10:38:58,404 - sensors - INFO - Sensor created / updated : endpoint_id_tydom__Jardin_d'hivers 1658666448
2022-08-02 10:38:58,406 - sensors - INFO - Sensor created / updated : id_tydom__Jardin_d'hivers 1658666448_1658666448
2022-08-02 10:38:58,407 - sensors - INFO - Binary sensor created / updated : thermicDefect_tydom__Jardin_d'hivers False
2022-08-02 10:38:58,409 - sensors - INFO - Sensor created / updated : position_tydom__Jardin_d'hivers 0
2022-08-02 10:38:58,411 - sensors - INFO - Binary sensor created / updated : onFavPos_tydom__Jardin_d'hivers False
2022-08-02 10:38:58,412 - sensors - INFO - Binary sensor created / updated : obstacleDefect_tydom__Jardin_d'hivers False
2022-08-02 10:38:58,414 - sensors - INFO - Binary sensor created / updated : intrusion_tydom__Jardin_d'hivers False
2022-08-02 10:38:58,416 - sensors - INFO - Binary sensor created / updated : battDefect_tydom__Jardin_d'hivers False
2022-08-02 10:38:58,418 - cover - INFO - Cover created / updated : Jardin d'hivers 1658666448_1658666448 0
2022-08-02 10:38:58,420 - sensors - INFO - Sensor created / updated : device_id_tydom__Bureau 1658666640
2022-08-02 10:38:58,422 - sensors - INFO - Sensor created / updated : endpoint_id_tydom__Bureau 1658666640
2022-08-02 10:38:58,424 - sensors - INFO - Sensor created / updated : id_tydom__Bureau 1658666640_1658666640
2022-08-02 10:38:58,426 - sensors - INFO - Binary sensor created / updated : thermicDefect_tydom__Bureau False
2022-08-02 10:38:58,428 - sensors - INFO - Sensor created / updated : position_tydom__Bureau 0
2022-08-02 10:38:58,430 - sensors - INFO - Binary sensor created / updated : onFavPos_tydom__Bureau False
2022-08-02 10:38:58,430 - sensors - INFO - Binary sensor created / updated : onFavPos_tydom__Bureau False
2022-08-02 10:38:58,432 - sensors - INFO - Binary sensor created / updated : obstacleDefect_tydom__Bureau False
2022-08-02 10:38:58,435 - sensors - INFO - Binary sensor created / updated : intrusion_tydom__Bureau False
2022-08-02 10:38:58,437 - sensors - INFO - Binary sensor created / updated : battDefect_tydom__Bureau False
2022-08-02 10:38:58,439 - cover - INFO - Cover created / updated : Bureau 1658666640_1658666640 0
2022-08-02 10:38:58,442 - sensors - INFO - Sensor created / updated : device_id_tydom__Salon 1658669537
2022-08-02 10:38:58,445 - sensors - INFO - Sensor created / updated : endpoint_id_tydom__Salon 1658669537
2022-08-02 10:38:58,448 - sensors - INFO - Sensor created / updated : id_tydom__Salon 1658669537_1658669537
2022-08-02 10:38:58,451 - sensors - INFO - Binary sensor created / updated : thermicDefect_tydom__Salon False
2022-08-02 10:38:58,453 - sensors - INFO - Sensor created / updated : position_tydom__Salon 0
2022-08-02 10:38:58,454 - sensors - INFO - Binary sensor created / updated : onFavPos_tydom__Salon False
2022-08-02 10:38:58,456 - sensors - INFO - Binary sensor created / updated : obstacleDefect_tydom__Salon False
2022-08-02 10:38:58,458 - sensors - INFO - Binary sensor created / updated : intrusion_tydom__Salon False
2022-08-02 10:38:58,460 - sensors - INFO - Binary sensor created / updated : battDefect_tydom__Salon False
2022-08-02 10:38:58,462 - cover - INFO - Cover created / updated : Salon 1658669537_1658669537 0
2022-08-02 10:38:58,463 - tydomMessagehandler - INFO - Incoming data parsed successfully !
2022-08-02 10:39:40,466 - tydomConnector - INFO - >>>>>>>>>> Sending to tydom client..... POST /refresh/all
2022-08-02 10:40:22,478 - tydomConnector - INFO - >>>>>>>>>> Sending to tydom client..... POST /refresh/all
2022-08-02 10:41:04,486 - tydomConnector - INFO - >>>>>>>>>> Sending to tydom client..... POST /refresh/all

But the addon is not started, nor present on my addon list ?
I’ve already try to uninstall/reinstall without success

edit: seems that I have to wait some few minutes more !

Yes, that’s a trap :confused:
I need to improve that to make this alarm configuration really optional for those who don’t have any alarm.

That’s fine, maybe you should just put it in the configuration page tydom2mqtt ?

Hello, I am new in HomeAssistant. I try to integrate Tydom 1.0 with HA. I install Tydom2Mqtt and it is working. My Alarm and my covers have been discovered. However, I have also a Tywatt 5100 to collect my Gaz consumption (energyIndexHeatGas) and I can not see him (or don’t know how) in HA. if some one can help.
Many thanks

Hello everybody,
Installed this add-on to my HA on RP4. Great job from developper, many thanks for that ! :slight_smile:

MQTT is communicating with it, but it seems add on is not reaching the tydom box (TYDOM 2.0) :

2022-08-22 17:55:16,381 - tydomConnector - INFO - """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
2022-08-22 17:55:16,381 - tydomConnector - INFO - TYDOM WEBSOCKET CONNECTION INITIALISING....                     
2022-08-22 17:55:16,382 - tydomConnector - INFO - Building headers, getting 1st handshake and authentication....
2022-08-22 17:55:16,386 - __main__ - INFO - Socket error - retrying connection in %s sec (Ctrl-C to quit)

Here Tydom IP is not set.

When I set IP, I have this :

2022-08-22 18:05:10,301 - tydomConnector - INFO - Host Target :
2022-08-22 18:05:10,362 - gmqtt.mqtt.handler - INFO - [SUBACK] 1 (0,)
2022-08-22 18:05:10,363 - gmqtt.mqtt.handler - INFO - [SUBACK] 2 (0,)
2022-08-22 18:05:11,547 - tydomConnector - ERROR - Exception when trying to connect with websocket !
2022-08-22 18:05:11,548 - tydomConnector - ERROR - did not receive a valid HTTP response
2022-08-22 18:05:11,549 - tydomConnector - ERROR - wss://
2022-08-22 18:05:11,549 - tydomConnector - ERROR - {'Authorization': 'Digest username="001A25054767", realm="protected area", nonce="a109b1137116cd78982dfea1f46c51d3", uri="/mediation/client?mac=001A25054767&appli=1", response="bdfa6c42f250a687c8b75163ee519adc", qop="auth", nc=00000001, cnonce="71f71477b1a29a6c"'}

This messages loop…

Any settings I missed ?

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

I fixed several BUGs in Tydom2mqtt to make my DELTAL 4.0 alarm work.
Now it works with tydom2mqtt (activation, deactivation and feedback).
I will publish a corrected version soon.

1 Like


It could be an authentication issue to the Box.
Are you sure about the password?
You can try to reset it.

(btw, it’s the password of the box, not the password of your deltadore account)

Thanks for your help @fmartinou, I read lot of different thinks about this password. Trying with initial password make it work ! :clap: :+1:

I try now to play with this differents new sensors created by the add-on.
Is there any help about alarm settings thru HA ?

Hi @misxs,
can you give us some logs please ?
set logger level to debug to have the raw data received from tydom.

As we don’t have a Tywatt 5100 we can’t implement it without full logs

since several days I’ve problem with the addon.
when I don’t fill the IP adress in the configuration option I’ve this error message :

2022-09-15 20:40:18,847 - tydomConnector - INFO - """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
2022-09-15 20:40:18,848 - tydomConnector - INFO - TYDOM WEBSOCKET CONNECTION INITIALISING....                     
2022-09-15 20:40:18,848 - tydomConnector - INFO - Building headers, getting 1st handshake and authentication....
2022-09-15 20:40:18,852 - __main__ - INFO - Socket error - retrying connection in %s sec (Ctrl-C to quit)

when I fill my Tydom IP :

2022-09-15 20:45:04,402 - __main__ - INFO - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2022-09-15 20:45:04,402 - __main__ - INFO - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2022-09-15 20:45:04,403 - __main__ - INFO - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2022-09-15 20:45:04,403 - __main__ - INFO - STARTING TYDOM2MQTT
2022-09-15 20:45:04,403 - __main__ - INFO - Detecting environnement......
2022-09-15 20:45:04,404 - __main__ - INFO - /data/options.json detected ! Hassio Addons Environnement : parsing options.json....
2022-09-15 20:45:04,405 - tydomConnector - INFO - Initialising TydomClient Class
2022-09-15 20:45:04,406 - tydomConnector - INFO - Setting local mode context.
2022-09-15 20:45:04,414 - __main__ - INFO - Starting main loop_task
/app/main.py:141: DeprecationWarning: There is no current event loop
  loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
2022-09-15 20:45:04,418 - mqtt_client - INFO - """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
2022-09-15 20:45:04,419 - mqtt_client - INFO - Attempting MQTT connection...
2022-09-15 20:45:04,419 - mqtt_client - INFO - MQTT host : homeassistant
2022-09-15 20:45:04,420 - mqtt_client - INFO - MQTT user : ******
2022-09-15 20:45:04,441 - gmqtt.mqtt.protocol - INFO - [CONNECTION MADE]
2022-09-15 20:45:04,444 - mqtt_client - INFO - ##################################
2022-09-15 20:45:04,445 - mqtt_client - INFO - Subscribing to : +/tydom/#
2022-09-15 20:45:04,446 - gmqtt.mqtt.package - INFO - [SEND SUB] 1 [b'homeassistant/status']
2022-09-15 20:45:04,447 - gmqtt.mqtt.package - INFO - [SEND SUB] 2 [b'+/tydom/#']
2022-09-15 20:45:04,450 - tydomConnector - INFO - """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
2022-09-15 20:45:04,451 - tydomConnector - INFO - TYDOM WEBSOCKET CONNECTION INITIALISING....                     
2022-09-15 20:45:04,452 - tydomConnector - INFO - Building headers, getting 1st handshake and authentication....
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/main.py", line 226, in <module>
  File "/app/main.py", line 148, in loop_task
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/asyncio/base_events.py", line 646, in run_until_complete
    return future.result()
  File "/app/main.py", line 160, in listen_tydom_forever
    await tydom_client.connect()
  File "/app/tydomConnector.py", line 114, in connect
    res = conn.getresponse()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/http/client.py", line 1374, in getresponse
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/http/client.py", line 318, in begin
    version, status, reason = self._read_status()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/http/client.py", line 287, in _read_status
    raise RemoteDisconnected("Remote end closed connection without"
http.client.RemoteDisconnected: Remote end closed connection without response

My user is not fill by *** :slight_smile:
I’ve download a previous version of the tydom app to change my password and no changes.
If someone can help me.

Edit: when I restart my tydom box, my addon restart but I need to restart everyday even if I access to my box with the tydom app normaly.

HI! thank you for your work, im having the same issue, at the logs i can see that tydom2mqtt is ignoring my configuration, but i dont know where should i add the alarm comfiguration in orther to make tydom2mqtt work. i dont have any alarm but if im undertanding what you said, i only have to write a pin for it. Is that correct? where should I write the pin configuration?

Thank you so much in advance!

Hi! im having the same problem but i dont know wher do i have to change the alarm password config, at the configuration, i only have alarm zone 1 and 2 but no pin.

Thank you!

Go to Settings > Add-ons > tydom2mqtt > Configuration

If you don’t see a “Tydom alarm pin” in UI view, go to 3-dots-menu > “Edit in YAML”, then add the following at the bottom of your yaml:


You can then go back to 3-dots-menu > “Edit in UI” and you should now see the “Tydom alarm pin” field.

1 Like